Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Some Days are Just....

Some days are just...crazy...and throw you in a loop.  I'm working hard and I put on something and I still feel the chub that I was almost 30+ pounds ago.  We all have those days.

Today was my 3rd day in a row of Bikram practice this week.  I love Bikram, I've said that before, but I realize I get annoyed with others who cramp my practice style.  I get to the studio early so I can lay my mat and towel down, get all situated the way I need to keep myself sane, etc.  Today right as we are gearing up for the first breathing exercises, a couple ran into the already cramped room.  Thankfully, my teacher who is a witty woman, mentioned that getting to class on time is imperative.  She also mentioned that it was unfair to all of us who get to class on time and set now be cramped up. *sigh*  By the time we got to the Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana, I was feeling claustrophobic.  Just too many FOLKS. 


The teacher also had a funny story about people who refuse to breathe in and out through their nose.  She said she was in practice one day and this guy next to her was breathing his cold/allergy filled breath all on her during rest between the cobra pose.  In her words, it was the most disgusting part of her practice.  Bwaaaaahaha!!  At the time she was telling this story, we were in the cobra pose and i was feeling the same way.  The woman next to me was breathing through her mouth all on my shoulder.  I just wanted to yell out..."BOO CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH."  LOL *sigh*

Oyi, oyi....LOL....

Well, I'm off to nap so I can practice before church service tonight.  

.......................peace and blessings........and Namaste............

Monday, October 01, 2012

FMM: Uniquely You

Happy Monday!!  I can NOT believe it is October 1st.  WHERE IS THIS YEAR GOING????  I swear time is just running away.  LOL  Well, I woke up late and a tad behind on my daily game.  What's new?  LOL  So, while I get my first cup of coffee in me, before the gym....I shall get the Friend Making Monday down!!

Have a fabulous day!!