Friday, July 06, 2012

Couch to....Jesus keep me near the cross....

Pepper napping...
Haa!!  Sometimes I tickle myself, but honestly this Couch to 5k thing makes me call Jesus...LOUDLY...all the time.  Today was no different.  I had to get up early cause I was heading to the doctor to check on my blood pressure.   I hit the gym at 7:45AM, call the po-lice cause the world is coming to an end if i'm in the gym before 10am, and started on the beginners week of Couch to 5K.  I can't seem to get off of the first week of this program cause it is taxing and I feel like death every time.  Antywho...I pressed on.  When I got to the 3rd run segment, I heard someone singing "i ain't gonna let nobawdy turn me roun', turn me roun', turn me roun'".  In all honesty, it was what I needed to hear at that moment cause I was about to give this minute the finger and walk.  The slay down...when I look to my left to figure out the voice, there was this big ole white man who look like he was a linebacker for the Jets.  Seriously.

So how was your 4th?  Mine was good and quiet and calm...just what was needed.  I went to BJ's and Target, gymmed with my friend, and did my ChaLean Extreme.  I movied with the mom...Madea's Witness Protection and then headed home to cook.  I ate REALLY well and tracked and felt really good.

Yesterday...well...LOL.  I didn't eat so well.  Well, lemme rephrase that.  I ate too much.  The mom and I went to our weekly meeting (I lost a pound and she lost 1.8), then she said she wanted to go to City Island.  I LOVE seafood so I couldn't turn down that offer.  At the restaurant I ate white bread and a white potato with my lunch.  I haven't had either one in over 5 weeks...and to be quite honest, I've been feeling amazing.  I can't wait until I can shake the white sugar....but I have a reckless sweet tooth so I keep praying.

Anyway, when you are constantly eating smaller meals, when you eat a huge feel the difference.  Lord knows I did and then I panicked.  Haaa!!  I drank so much water when I got in that I was up half the night running to the bathroom.  

Oh well, I'm off to grab a cat nap...and most likely my 14 year old cat, Pepper, will join me.  Besides needing it because I didn't sleep well...but I have plans to go to Zumba at 6.  Originally I was gonna do Cardio Kickboxing...but I ain't feelin' driving downtown it at the moment.  Bwaah...  Cardio is cardio ain't it?

Until later...

....peace and blessings.....

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