Monday, October 01, 2012

FMM: Uniquely You

Happy Monday!!  I can NOT believe it is October 1st.  WHERE IS THIS YEAR GOING????  I swear time is just running away.  LOL  Well, I woke up late and a tad behind on my daily game.  What's new?  LOL  So, while I get my first cup of coffee in me, before the gym....I shall get the Friend Making Monday down!!

Have a fabulous day!!

Uniquely You

1) Do you prefer to talk or text? I prefer to text, but there are some people that I just NEED to hear their voice to get the full jist of how they are.  My oldest friend Sheena, another friend Ty and my road dawg J.   My mother just WILL NOT answer my texts, so I have to call.  LOL  Other than that...text, text, text.
2) How often do you make your bed? When I was living in my parents house and in college, every day.  Now...I don't care.  Since I gym twice a day on top of my practicing, I usually nap to build up my energy.'s better messy.
3) What sounds do you hear right now?  Travis Stork on the tv and someone ripping tape outside on the street.
4) List three things that you always carry with you.  My Galaxy, wallet and my brita water bottle.
5) What are your favorite TV shows?  Young and the Restless, Bones, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal.  Oh, oh...and Royal Pains.
6) Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it? I LOVE to crochet, but my schedule and mind haven't been settled enough to do it.  I hope to get some time in.  Tons of babies coming.
7) What is your favorite drink? and more coffee.  Then water. 
8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family. Uuuuhhh...I come from a family of musicians.  I don't know...There are so many random things going on in my family.  LOL
9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today. Go to the gym this morning and end my day with Bikram.
10) Share something that you’re thankful for today. Something???  Honey, so much.  I can see, feel, walk, talk...go to the gym.  I have a LOT to be thankful for....and I bet you do too.


Dennis & Jodi said...

I love it coffee, coffee coffee!! lol sounds like me! Stopping in from FMM

Bubbles said...

Thanks for stopping by!!!

safire said...

Coffee and tea are my weakness.. I'm a caffeine addict but I try to limit my coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day at most.

I love the taste! Thankfully, I can take it with a little skim milk so it's not too high-caloric.

I'm so behind on Grey's Anatomy but I heard the season premiere was a tearjerker!