Monday, January 28, 2013

FMM: Getting to Know Each Other

Happy Monday All.  I haven't been here in a while and well..what's a good excuse?  I don't know.  LOL  Just a lapse.  Life has been busy, but good..with a little weight gain, but back on the game.

Last Thursday, I went to my regular WW meeting and I gained 4lbs over the holiday, and this year, I'm not mad.  Granted, if I had eaten a tad bit better and exercised at least 3 days a week, maybe those 4 wouldn't have happened.  *shrug*

Just know I'm back, around and will probably need this with the amount of music I need to learn.  Plus, I need to be more accountable while learning music and not eating tons of gummy bears.  LOL

Getting To Know Each Other
1. What is your favorite color? Pink and orange.  Love them.
2. Share one or more of your talents.  Since I'm always talking about singing, I think that you know that's a talent.  Umm...I'm a good listener?
3. If you were spending the day getting to know someone new, where would you want to go?  Sit over a cup of coffee.
4. What is your favorite meal?  Roast chicken with roasted veggies and kale.
5.  Do you prefer to text or talk?  Text, but I will talk with certain people.
6. Share something about yourself that might surprise someone that you’re getting to know.  I'm rather shy.
7. Do you color your hair?  I haven't in a while, but I will be getting back to it with all this grey growing in.  GAAAAH!!!
8. Do you wear glasses or contacts?  I'm extremely near sighted so I wear contacts most of the time.  I only wear my glasses right before bed or when I first wake up.
9. What is your favorite breakfast food?  I love pancakes, but my norm is 1 fried egg, a little smoked gouda and a bit of polenta on the side.
10. Would your friends say that you’re sarcastic?  Depending on the situation.  
11. Do you prefer salty or sweet?  Salty and sweet at the same time.
12. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?   Eyes and teeth.
13. What is the last movie you watched?  The Iron Lady....great film.
14.  Are you religious?  I think I am...kinda sorta.
15. Are you a neat freak, a slob, or somewhere in between?  I'm not a neat  I would say I'm in between and the in between gets on my nerves.  LOL
16. Share something from your bucket list that you hope to do someday.  I would love to run the NYC Marathon.
17. Are you a risk taker, or do you prefer to play it safe?  I'm learning to be more of a risk taker.
18. Have you ever worn braces?  Yes the majority of my HS years.  I got them off the day before my senior pictures.
19. Would you rather spend an evening at a theater or at a club?  Oh, definitely the theater.
20. If you could have three wishes, what would one of them be?  Happiness, good singing and the ability to live very comfortably doing what I love to do.

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