Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Working through the June Challenge

Happy Tuesday!!  Hope all is well with you all in blogger land.  I was going to post earlier today, but I decided to do it after my 2nd cardio workout of the day.  I feel I can hold myself more accountable if I post later.  

Well, my 2nd cardio workout of the day is done.  With my 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning and the 45 on the elliptical tonight, I burned a combined 525 calories. (I love my Polar FT4.)  I feel good and look forward to tomorrow's workouts.  My plan is to hit the weights then get in some inclining on the treadmill for 5o.  I'm actually excited.  Yay me!!

Since I haven't been blogging, I haven't been doing the Friend Making Monday's.  I thought I would do one that was posted last week or something like that.  LOL  Enjoy and join in.

Getting To Know You
1.  Have you ever been skinny dipping? No.  I have been in the Mediterranean Sea topless.  When in Spain, do as the Spaniards.  LOL
2.  If you could choose an exotic vacation destination today, where would you go? At this point, I would love to go to the Caribbean.  Right now...I'd accept Martha's Vineyard.  LOL
3.  Do you prefer to live in the city or the suburbs? I'm a city girl and I love the city, but lately, I want a slower city life.  Like Atlanta or something.  I just need it right now.  Tomorrow it might change.  LOL
4.  If you could paint, draw or illustrate any masterpiece in the world, what would it be?  Hmm...urrah...I don't know.
5.  What is your favorite dish to cook when you’re cooking for one?  I love to make some sort of baked chicken and a salad.  (Which is tomorrow's lunch.)
6.  Who has recently influenced you in a spectacular way? Hmmm...there are several people.  I think one of my favorite's is Leontyne Price.  She was the soprano who sang opening night at the Met.  Many things happened with the stage/set/etc.  She was fierce persevered and is still the reigning Verdian Soprano.
7.  Have you ever considered dating a person who’s younger than you?  If so, how young would you go?  I have dated men younger than me and it has been so much fun.  Right now, I don't care whether he is older or younger,  I am waiting on God's plan.
8.  What do you typically wear when you’re at home with no plans to go out?  A tshirt and flip flops.  Speaking of which...when is the Old Navy sale???  LOL
9.  Do you prefer a shower or a bath? I'm pretty much a shower girl, even though I grew up in an old house and we didn't have a shower.  LOL  I only take baths at my mom's cause nothing is like the old tub with feet.  
10.  When you meet strangers are you outgoing or more introverted? I'm pretty introverted. I'm working on being more open.  

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