Thursday, June 21, 2012

No Complaints...

Today was weigh in day...I did good.  I lost 6.0lbs.  This is really good because this is the 6 pounds that I had gained last week during the dreadful PMS.  I'll take it.

Right now I'm here blogging while I'm waiting on part of my dinner.  On this blazing a$$ day...I have my oven on, waiting on some sweet potato fries.  Bwwwaaah at me.  Yes on a 97 degree day in NYC my oven is on...for some damn sweet potato fries.  It's what I want and what I'm gonna get.  The more I type this, the more asinine this sounds.  Oven...fries...97 degree day. *shrug*  I planned for it yesterday and that's what I want.

Does anyone else who is on the struggle to lose weight, think about food constantly?  I do.  I'm always planning ahead, which I've been told is a good thing, and waiting for that next bite on my tongue.  I personally find it obsessive and I need to focus my attention on something else....but I can''s always about food or music or sports.  I mean as I type, I'm watching Chop.ped on Food network. Gaaaah!!!

Oh well, I'm looking forward to some gymming tomorrow....I'm tackling the couch to 5K...and then the NY Phil with my mom.

peace and blessings......

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