Monday, July 23, 2012

Friend Making Monday....on the run

I'm going to do this quickly...and then I'm going to really blog a post.  Ahh...things have been poppin'...oh life.  LOL  Plus, I need to hit the gym!!!

Here you go...and definitely do it yourself.

  1. What is your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?  Church and usually brunch with either my mom or friends and then...a nap.  Later in the evening catching up on dvred stuff.
  2. What is your favorite color? PINK.  Straight up.  Pink...and orange, yellow and red, but reigning queen is pink.
  3. Have you ever been to Europe?  Yes and the last time was 2 years ago.  I something is wrong with me.  LOL
  4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts...just vain like that.  The glasses are in the bed and not for public consumption.
  5. How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day...LOL  If I have something to eat that makes my breath insulting, then more.
  6. Share a guilty pleasure.  Shopping for makeup, because my collection is rather...large.....and watching makeup YouTube videos.
  7. What are you most proud of accomplishing this week? The week just started.  Last week, well, just getting through the week and making it to a WW meeting even though I gained weight.


Carina said...

Came by from FMM -- I'm the same way about going to Europe, it's one of my favorite places in the world, and it just seems "off" if I haven't been in a long time -- I feel like I daydream about it more, etc. Love having trip-planning as a distraction!

Cookie said...

Hi! Stopping by from FMM. Naps are great!

I try to not buy make-up or - more importantly - nail polish right now. Haven't even tried out anything I own yet...