I also didn't weigh in last Thursday. That's also bad. It's okay, I got on the scale this morning and now my mind is back. I've eaten breakfast and I'm here letting it digest while catching up on last night's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. The show inspires me to keep in the "game".
Last Friday I got a drift of how strong I've gotten. For my couch to 5K for the first month I was using Skimble's Workout Trainer Beginners Running Program. The other day I was talking to a friend and she said, "My couch to 5K program doesn't work like yours. Are you sure you're doing what I'm doing?" She sent me a link and I realized...no, I wasn't doing the same thing. LOL
Well, I did the "official" Couch to 5K Day 1. And you know what....I made it. LOL I made it through the 90 second walks and 60 second runs...8 runs. *whew* I also made it through the day without a nap and 2 hours of practicing. *twirl* Getting stronger makes me really happy....even when I bomb food wise.
The goal for this week is to track, track, track my food and my exercise. Whoever lied and said this was easy....did just that L.I.E.D. *eye roll*
As with every Monday....Friend Making Monday: Inappropriate Questions...Lessgo!!!
1. Will you vote in the upcoming presidential election? Absolutely. It’s my responsibility, and it’s also my passion. (I'm stealing Kenlie's answer.)
2. Do you say curse words? Yes, yes and more yes. I will say since I gave up cursing for Lent this year, I don't curse as much.
3. Have you ever kissed a stranger? Oh yes. LOL
4. If you could choose to meet only one fellow blogger in person right now who would you choose? Wow...umm. I don't know. I do an enormous about of blog stalking (lol), but there are so many bloggers I would like to meet. One blogger I would like to meet is Crys. I think she is so brave and strong to 1. Have bypass surgery and 2. just blogging about it. To put yourself out there...and knowing that your therapist is reading your blog as well...strength.
5. What is the most inappropriate pick-up line that anyone has ever used on you? Uhh....I don't know.
6. Do you sing in the shower? LOL since I sing as a profession...sometimes yes, sometimes no. Most times no. The shower is the place where I do most of my thinking.
7. How often do you get drunk? I rarely drink. Food has always been more of my thing. Plus, I went to a state school and watching people get disgustingly wasted kept me from getting drunk.
8. Have you ever been fired from a job? Effectively yes. LOL From my last job that I worked at for 7 years. They laid me off...but that's firing. And to be honest, that was the best firing in the world. Even though I'm broke more, I'm doing what I went to school to do and I'm extremely HAPPY!!!!
9. Were you popular in high school? I'm realizing that I was. I didn't think I was, but one of my classmates said I was. LOL I went to an all girls Catholic that was majority Latinas and Blacks. There were some Caucasian girls, but not many. This same friend/classmate said that I was one of the few people who accepted everyone and that is what made me so popular. I guess...you just never know. Plus, I sang...so that puts you out there. *shrug*
10. Who is your current celebrity crush? IDRIS ELBA!!! I love them dark and chocolate...and the accent. *swoon*
Don't beat yourself up. Think that you are closer than when you started. I have been extremely bad. Living in someone elses home while relocating to NYC, the Hubs is away 5 days a week, etc, etc; has a negative effect on me.
I hope once I move I can start from couch to 5k too :)
Stopping by from FMM
I think one thing that always ensures a person is popular is their postivity... and you've got bucketloads! I LOed your answers to this weeks FMM questions :)
Charley at
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