Sunday, September 30, 2012

8 Weeks Until Turkey Day

On Thursday in my WW meeting, we discussed it being 8 Weeks until Thanksgiving and trying to make goals before the holidays kick in.  I thought I would write them here to keep myself accountable.  Sometimes we need to write down/blog/etc.  just to keep ourselves focused.

Here they are......

  1.  I want to eat well.  There will be times where I will botch up, but my main focus is to eat lots of leafy greens, beans, lean proteins, etc.  
  2. Track.  Tracking is the main thing with WW.  Tracking and staying within my points. Track, Track, Track.
  3. Try and go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week.  If a couple of those days I go twice a day...BAM!  I really would like to even get in 4 days of Bikram. (I really love it!!) Plus there are some poses that I would really like to get a "grip" so to speak on...LOL!  Also....I'm using the yoga as weight training...why?  Cause i just resent weights.  I don't know why...I'm working on that issue.
  4. My goal for the summer was to run a mile.  Okay, summer is officially over...I think...and I am still hunting/dying to get this mile in.  LOL  So, if I could get close to a mile I would love that.
  5. I also plan to give away clothes that are too big.  Lately every time I put on a 2XL tshirt, I realize how many inches I've lost.  My clothes look like I'm swimming in them.
  6. Buy a heart rate monitor.  Honestly I used the heart rate monitor money from last month on some Sugarpill Eyeshadow and a couple of palettes from BH Cosmetics.  *snicker*  The deal sealer was an episode of Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition.  I can't remember the name of the lady...antyway Chris and his wife showed this woman how much you can slack when you don't work up to the appropriate heart rate.
  7. Drink more water.  You would think that I drink enough with Bikram, personally...I don't think I drink enough.  I would like a good 100oz. a day.
  8. Get closer to a size 12.  Honestly, if was comfortably in the next size...I would do a jig of joy.
  9. Maybe get closer to a plant life diet.
  10. Not beat myself up if I don't conquer these goals.  LOL
Okay...this is done and I'm going to bed.  Many things to do!!!

....................peace and blessings...................................

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Namaste has been broken..

Bwaaaah!!  Seriously has.  Today was my 3rd day this week of Bikram.  I missed out yesterday due to oversleeping.  My Tuesday was WRETCHED and busy.  I went to yoga, then a voice lesson, then to practice for another rehearsal...then my church gig rehearsal.  I was waaaaaasted, so Namastein' yesterday was out of the plan.  LOL

Antywho, I did Bikram this morning, weighed in (down 5.2 pounds...i shook the beans.) and I did some running around.  I was fine until I got another unwanted call from Sears Delivery service.  (That's for the end of this post.)  Besides that, lemme discuss Bikram.

I'm in love with Bikram.  Seriously in LOVE with Bikram.  I've been practicing at Bikram Yoga Harlem.  I love the studio, the teachers and the environment.  It has been a great experience.  It is a real nice change from my spinning and couch to 5k.  Every time I practice, I feel like I'm stretching my mind and my body to a new place.  Plus, it is helping me a lot with my singing...and that's always a bonus.

What about the heat?  That's been the question I keep getting.  Yes, it is really hot in the room.  It is really 100 degrees with humidity going on.  Gangsta...for the body. I hate to tell you how much I love heat. LOVE HEAT.  I'm a beach person and I can lay out in the sun for hours without dipping in the water.  The heat in class is not a problem.  I love it and I really have to try hard not to close my eyes in savasana....even between all of the poses.  If I lay flat and feel that heat come across my body...sleep calls.  LOL

So....if you are up for a new physical challenge, try it.  I was scared to death my first day, but I've been jumping in hard as my body will allow each class afterwards.

Now....what broke my Namaste...Sears Delivery and Customer Service.  I purchased a new fridge and stove for an apartment that I'm working on in my house.  Well, when the delivery guys got there this past Monday, they "said" that it wouldn't fit through the hall.  Fine. Just Fine.  I spoke with 2 people to cancel the order and refund my money.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Today...I have received calls about a re-delivery and told them to cancel the delivery. you not read your computer notes?  Obviously not.  So tonight as I'm sitting at my mom's counter chillin'....I get another call about the delivery.  I don't know what hit me...but I went straight gangster.  What really sent me over the EDGE...when I asked to speak to a supervisor and dude wouldn't connect me.  *sigh*  I will say that I was given his number every day that I called to cancel the delivery.  *side eye*  Needless to say, I will be writing a letter to the president...even though I have totally blasted Sears on twitter today. *double sigh*

Okay...I'm off to do some singing bidness...LOL

...................peace and blessings...and NAMASTE......

Monday, September 24, 2012

Haaaaaaaappy Monday!!!

Happy Monday!!!!  I'm feeling really snazzy today.  I hit the gym this morning, first time in 4 days. *twirl* Did some light work on the elliptical and I feel like gold.  *weee*  I plan on hitting Bikram tonight after a rehearsal.  I missed working out. *sigh*  And yes, the mat is down in the tub.

While I'm prepping a few meals, I thought I would take a break and get in the Friend Making Monday questions....Fall Favorites!

Have a fabulous day all!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day Two...Feeling Better

Today...I've been frumping around.  I didn't sleep well last night because my leg was KILLING me.  Needless to say I was not happy, but also grateful that I freelance because I would have been a horror at a 9-5 job.

While sitting here frumping and going through tons of gluten-free recipes, my leg started feeling better.  Actually, while I'm here typing I am feeling a tons better.  YAY!!  Hopefully Bikram will be on my Saturday to do list!!

Not more to post.  I've eaten well for the past two days...tons of veggies, light on the legumes.  Going to make lunch for tomorrow so I won't be ready to hit people after yoga.

.....peace and blessings........

Thursday, September 20, 2012

the calm before the neurotic storm...

*wave*  Today...was so crazy in so many different ways.  One, I woke up with the worst pain in my leg. *sigh*  I have been waiting for the storm after the calm all week.  Monday, in between spinning, rehearsals and Bikram...I ran to take a shower and slipped in the tub.  I fell back first and my calf muscle banged into the side of the tub.  I was okay Monday, Tuesday and yesterday during Bikram on the  second to last sit up I felt my leg saying..."no more."  Grrr.

About 2 this morning, I couldn't sleep on my left side.  *sigh*  It didn't get better until about 6 and I slept like a rock until 8.  The plan was to go to a 10AM Bikram class and sweat out before weigh in.  Didn't happen.  My leg said..."Boo try it and you will be in a mess."  LOL  I stayed at home and moped.  Moped, Facebooked and watched Bones on Netflix.  Gaah!!

Weigh in...Grr....  I've been trying to do a low meat diet and eating more legumes and tons of veggies.  I gained 4 pounds this week.  Boo! Just Boo!! Needless to say, I wanted to cry.  I've been double dutyin' in the gym...working really hard and doing right.  Then this mess...Gaah!!!  Thass okay, I'm pressing on.

Bikram...  Yesterday, I took my second class and I think I fell in great like with it. Not love yet.  I sweated from beginning to end.  It was hot as all HADES, but when it was done, i felt good.  Really good.  Also, I brought some coconut water and GUZZLED it after class.  I didn't have that strange eye twitch and...did I say how GREAT i felt when it was over?  LOL

Okay...well, it is time for me to put up tomorrow's dinner...curried lentils (yea, i'll learn) and watching me another episode of Bones.  LOL

...............peace and blessings...................

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm still alive...

I decided to get a quick post about last night before I head off to the gym.  So...Bikram Yoga.  Lesssee....I have to admit, I loved it.  My mom was so concerned for me doing this.  Oh your weight (there was a woman larger than me in the class.), oh yoga in 100 degree room (it wasn't that painful.), it just sounds unhealthy.

Well, lets start with the heat.  Yes it is hot as hell up in that room, but I'm learning to love sweating.  Sweating releases toxins.  Release, release.  I took all of my friend's advice and I survived the heat.  

What I couldn't get together and maybe it was my nerves...spend your day drinking water.  Seriously.  That's my EPIC.FAIL.  Normally on a good day I drink about 100oz. of water.  (Thank you Brita water filter water bottle.) Yesterday, couldn't get it together.  I made it through class, but started feeling strange/mild headache when the class was over.  I texted the Bikram crew and they said I was dehydrated.  When I got in, 40 oz. went down the hatch.  I hopped in the shower and called it a day. do I feel right NOW.  I know I have muscles all over my body, but it is a good feeling.  Well, for me it is.  I can't believe how grateful that I allowed myself to stretch out.  I can't tell you all how long I've been dying to take classes.  I'm SO excited that the first day has happened.  Now, I'm planning out my life around it. Bwaah.

If you are in the NYC area Bikram Yoga Harlem has a new student special... 30 days for $30.  

.....peace and blessings.......

Monday, September 17, 2012

FMM: Blog Stuff and Just Stuff

Happy Monday!!  I am really looking forward to first time at Bikram Yoga. *twirl*  I really LOVE yoga, but finding a class that works with my schedule and NYSC's schedule...not happening.  Plus, I've had several friends who just rave and rave about it.  So...I'm going to dive in.

Besides that...I'm loving my Monday and Friday Spinning classes.  They are hard, get on my nerves, but I love how much stronger I feel when I'm done.

Mmmk...some Friend Making I can get on with my day.  I need to practice, deal with Time Warner, a choir rehearsal...then yoga.  Wee!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wiggle, Wiggle

Oh, that's all I could think of for a title.  LOL  Man, I'm tired.  This morning I went to Spinning as planned and it was one little DIFFICULT class.  Well, for me it was.  We did these off the chart hills and my thighs feel like death warm over.  ROFL!!

Now I'm here trying to figure out what to do this evening.  Yea...I'm a glutton for punishment.  Every day I'm realizing that I don't feel good unless I have some pain going on through my legs, arms...muscles....etc.  It's weird, but I actually like it.  Shhhh....

So, since I did so well this week on the weight loss thingy, I decided to do a new kick with my exercise game.  Next week I'm going to try Bikram Yoga.  Honestly, I'm scared crapless.  Seriously scared, but I love yoga and it has helped seriously with my breathing for singing.  I can't wait...and like I said to a friend, I'm scared and excited all at one time.  LOL  I'll report how I feel about it after I take the class. I'm off to be a productive artist....yea, well a nap first and a little bit of Bones.  LOL

Have a great Friday!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Uuuhrah.... :/

So...I haven't blogged in a minute.  Lessesee what happened was...LOL  I went out of town for over a week with the mom (drove to Chicago), learning 2 operas and just life.  LOL  I did fall off of the wagon for a bit, but got back on last week.  I've noticed how serious my determination this time...because my fall off time is not that long.

I skipped a couple of weeks....blah....and when I weighed in last week it said I had gained weight.  *shrug*  I'm not surprised.  I'm such a mid-western/southern girl trapped in this chubby NYC body.  LOL  I ate biscuits..tons of biscuits, home fries, fried chicken, tons of macaroni and cheese and then some.  ROFL!!  But I came back with a vengeance.

After last week's reality check, I got back on the wagon and this week at weigh-in I lost 6.6 pounds!!  Go me!!!  I'm very proud of myself because I'm over 20lbs. down.  I'm looking forward to the next 10lbs.

Now...I love these Monday Friend Making Monday's and...even though I'm a few days late, I'm still doing it.  Bwaahaaa!!