Monday, September 17, 2012

FMM: Blog Stuff and Just Stuff

Happy Monday!!  I am really looking forward to first time at Bikram Yoga. *twirl*  I really LOVE yoga, but finding a class that works with my schedule and NYSC's schedule...not happening.  Plus, I've had several friends who just rave and rave about it.  So...I'm going to dive in.

Besides that...I'm loving my Monday and Friday Spinning classes.  They are hard, get on my nerves, but I love how much stronger I feel when I'm done.

Mmmk...some Friend Making I can get on with my day.  I need to practice, deal with Time Warner, a choir rehearsal...then yoga.  Wee!!

1.  Have you ever met anyone through your blog that led to an in-person friendship/relationship? Yes, I have made some GREAT friends blogging.  I really cherish their opinions and their friendships.
2.  Most bloggers have a specific niche.  What would you discuss if it didn’t seem inappropriate on your blog? Uhh...I don't know.  Maybe more about my career and the frustrations...but urrah...enough of that.
3. If you could meet three bloggers, who would they be?  Hmmmm...I don't know.
4. If you had to choose between Facebook or Twitter which one would you choose?  Are you SERIOUS??  Like I'm addicted to both.  
5. Do you vlog (video blog?) No.  Between blogging, tweeting and facebooking...enough.
6. How many blogs do you read on an average day? It depends on the day.  Besides exercise blogs, I'm really in to makeup blogs...too many.
7.  What is the coolest thing that you’ve seen online recently? I haven't been really blogging because I've been cracking out on Bones on Netflix. LOL  I've probably missed out on a lot of stuff.
8. If you gave your blog a new name what would it be? I have been really thinking about changing the name.  I want something more witty/funny/crazy which fits my personality.
9. Have you ever attended a blog conference like Fitbloggin?  If not, would you? I have never attended, but the more I get into fitness, yes I would like to go.
10. In the past I have asked why you blog.  Now I want to know why you read blogs?  What do you take from it? It depends on the blog.  I read a lot of the fitness/exercise blogs...for encouragement.  Just to remind me that we're all struggling trying to get to our goals.  Makeup....cause I just love it.  LOL

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