Bwaaaah!! Seriously has. Today was my 3rd day this week of Bikram. I missed out yesterday due to oversleeping. My Tuesday was WRETCHED and busy. I went to yoga, then a voice lesson, then to practice for another rehearsal...then my church gig rehearsal. I was waaaaaasted, so Namastein' yesterday was out of the plan. LOL
Antywho, I did Bikram this morning, weighed in (down 5.2 pounds...i shook the beans.) and I did some running around. I was fine until I got another unwanted call from Sears Delivery service. (That's for the end of this post.) Besides that, lemme discuss Bikram.
I'm in love with Bikram. Seriously in LOVE with Bikram. I've been practicing at Bikram Yoga Harlem. I love the studio, the teachers and the environment. It has been a great experience. It is a real nice change from my spinning and couch to 5k. Every time I practice, I feel like I'm stretching my mind and my body to a new place. Plus, it is helping me a lot with my singing...and that's always a bonus.
What about the heat? That's been the question I keep getting. Yes, it is really hot in the room. It is really 100 degrees with humidity going on. Gangsta...for the body. I hate to tell you how much I love heat. LOVE HEAT. I'm a beach person and I can lay out in the sun for hours without dipping in the water. The heat in class is not a problem. I love it and I really have to try hard not to close my eyes in savasana....even between all of the poses. If I lay flat and feel that heat come across my body...sleep calls. LOL
So....if you are up for a new physical challenge, try it. I was scared to death my first day, but I've been jumping in hard as my body will allow each class afterwards.
Now....what broke my Namaste...Sears Delivery and Customer Service. I purchased a new fridge and stove for an apartment that I'm working on in my house. Well, when the delivery guys got there this past Monday, they "said" that it wouldn't fit through the hall. Fine. Just Fine. I spoke with 2 people to cancel the order and refund my money. Tuesday, Wednesday and Today...I have received calls about a re-delivery and told them to cancel the delivery. you not read your computer notes? Obviously not. So tonight as I'm sitting at my mom's counter chillin'....I get another call about the delivery. I don't know what hit me...but I went straight gangster. What really sent me over the EDGE...when I asked to speak to a supervisor and dude wouldn't connect me. *sigh* I will say that I was given his number every day that I called to cancel the delivery. *side eye* Needless to say, I will be writing a letter to the president...even though I have totally blasted Sears on twitter today. *double sigh*
Okay...I'm off to do some singing bidness...LOL
...................peace and blessings...and NAMASTE......
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