Monday, November 19, 2012

It's been a long time....Happy Early Turkey!!!

*sigh*  I haven't written in a while and God knows that I have missed it.  Heck...I miss my non reader/readers.  LOL  Things have been so intense in so many ways.  I was learning an opera that is more intense than intense. was I.N.T.E.N.S.E.  It is now done and I'm gearing up for  learning my next operas...Aida and Il Trovatore.  (I know some folks are like...hunh? LOL)  It's called...good music.  LOL

Anyway, due to some chronic back pain, I haven't been able to exercise like I like to.  I hurt.  I haven't slept well and honestly, I'm a little cranky about it and feeling a tad chubby.  I've decided to just go on a really clean way of eating.  Even more clean that normal.  My mom was watching a Dr. Oz show and a doctor mentioned that we should only eat foods with one name.  i.e. carrots, turkey, oranges, etc.  That's extremely clean for a potato chip and donut eater.  Bwaah.  I'm down cause I've GOTTA feel better.

So as with every Monday, I'm doing the Friend's Making Monday: Thanksgiving Edition

1. Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?   My mom's family tradition since my dad died is to invite all of her artist friends over who don't have a place to go.  It is usually between 15 - 20 of us.  It is a great evening.
2. List at least three dishes that are on your family’s table every year. Macaroni and cheese, stuffing and gumbo.
3. Do you prefer pumpkin pie or pecan pie?  Neither.   My mid-western southern family is not a pumpkin crew.  Now they love pecan pie...but I couldn't get with that cause I'm so allergic to pecans.  I love either sweet potato pie or apple pie.
4. Will you watch football on Thanksgiving Day? Most definitely.  I LOVE football!!!
5. Do you plan to exercise Thursday?  Yes.  I'm going to try and walk a mile around the park that's near the mom's house.
6. Do you prefer ham or turkey? Neither...LOL  I'm allergic to pork (*WAIL*) and turkey...blah.  Give me a piece of my mom's magic salmon and I'm good.
7. Will you shop on Black Friday?  No.  First of all...cause I gotta go to work and a rehearsal. LOL  Second, my mom is a true union person and she thinks that folks deserve to celebrate a holiday with their family., no for me.
8. Do you take a nap on Thanksgiving? I never have time.  LOL  Dinner at the mom's is usually at 5 so, no nappy, nap for me.
9. Share one dish that probably won’t be on anyone else’s table.  Uuuurah....I don't know.
10. What are you thankful for today?  Thankful for my mom, who helps me in so many different ways.  Life and a portion of my sanity.  


nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I agree, those poor people should have the day off too. No black friday for me either. Yes to apple pie.
I absolutely love your tradition.

Stopping by from FMM.

Sarah G said...

Hi! Swinging by from FMM. Happy Thanksgiving!