Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, Schmonday.....

*sigh*   Last week was a hard week.  I probably needed to blog because I now feel like I was on a slippery slope down to bad habits.  Between the gummy bears and Chex Mix Cheddar, I've been out of control.  Well out of control in comparison to being in control for the past 9 weeks.  When you have been as focused as I have...what I've done this past week is out of control. *sigh*  It happens and now my mind is back in the game.

I also didn't weigh in last Thursday.  That's also bad.  It's okay, I got on the scale this morning and now my mind is back.  I've eaten breakfast and I'm here letting it digest while catching up on last night's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.  The show inspires me to keep in the "game".

Last Friday I got a drift of how strong I've gotten.  For my couch to 5K for the first month I was using Skimble's Workout Trainer Beginners Running Program.  The other day I was talking to a friend and she said, "My couch to 5K program doesn't work like yours.  Are you sure you're doing what I'm doing?"  She sent me a link and I, I wasn't doing the same thing.  LOL

Well, I did the "official" Couch to 5K Day 1.  And you know what....I made it.  LOL  I made it through the 90 second walks and 60 second runs...8 runs.  *whew*  I also made it through the day without a nap and 2 hours of practicing.  *twirl*  Getting stronger makes me really happy....even when I bomb food wise.

The goal for this week is to track, track, track my food and my exercise.  Whoever lied and said this was easy....did just that L.I.E.D. *eye roll*

As with every Monday....Friend Making Monday: Inappropriate Questions...Lessgo!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

In the Kitchen....

So the plan was to do better about blogging this week.  Didn't happen.  Grr!!!  There is a lot of stuff poppin' musically and I'm grateful, but I feel like I'm neglecting my blog. *sigh*

Last week was good weight wise.  I lost another 3.8 pounds.  YaY me!!  I feel more focused with each day.  I've even been very religiously working on the Couch to 5K program.  Additional weight loss has helped there as well. favorite accomplishment of last week is tackling the damn Cybex machine.  I don't know if I've blogged about my hate of that machine.  I've made it through a few episodes with it...and survived and a ton of sweat on da FLOOR.  *Amen*  LOL

Well as with every Monday...I have to do All the Weigh's Friend Making Monday Meme.  I just LOVE this thing weekly.


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

A little won't hurt...

Well, I'm back home...after 2 weeks house sitting for the mom and feeling like I was having a vacation in the city.  LOL  I'm always grateful for that break because I feel like it resets me in different ways.

So, last night I went to a concert with some friends in the park across the street from the moms house.  A friend texts me to confirm that I'm coming because he's making punch.  Punch?  I ask...yes, punch.  And would I be kind enough to bring cups.  Fine.

When I get to the park said friend continually tries to offer me the punch and I say no because at this point liquid calories are not my thing.  Food/chocolate calories...I'll take...drinking, no thanks.  So, he says...well it is about getting a buzz.  I still said no thanks.

Each day I find new ways of reminding me of how focused I am.  Don't get me wrong...i love a great cocktail, but at this point I don't enjoy the way I feel the next day.  No matter how much water i drink, I feel like crapola the next day in the gym.  It is not worth it and for me I feel it is compromising my progress.

Instead of drinking last night, I listened to some Lalah Hathaway and really enjoyed myself.  I also got up this morning and did day 3 of Couch to 5k...with issues, but did it.  Then I did a 13 incline at 2.8 and sweated for another 10 minutes.  I feel good and I don't feel bad for not joining in on the drinking fun.

I'm growing, I'm growing.

Have a great day all!!!

...................peace and blessings.............

Monday, August 06, 2012

....and so because umm....Friend Making Monday unplanned hiatus for a week...oops.  Things have been whirly.  After last week, I decided that I would be more focused about couch to 5k and this time, I'm feeling more better about it.  For example, I did it this morning and my legs are stronger and I don't feel like I could kick someone when I'm done during the spurts.

Last week, I went to my weigh-in and I'm now officially 5% down.  Who is pumped??  Moi!!  I'm looking forward to the next 5%.  I feel good and I even feel better supported singing wise.  I can't see where I'll be by headshot time at the end of September.

Since I've had a really exhausting day from singing and gymming and just living and it is just 6 something pm...I'm going to do my weekly love...Friend Making Monday from All The Weigh....