*sigh* I haven't written in a while and God knows that I have missed it. Heck...I miss my non reader/readers. LOL Things have been so intense in so many ways. I was learning an opera that is more intense than intense. Norma...it was I.N.T.E.N.S.E. It is now done and I'm gearing up for learning my next operas...Aida and Il Trovatore. (I know some folks are like...hunh? LOL) It's called...good music. LOL
Anyway, due to some chronic back pain, I haven't been able to exercise like I like to. I hurt. I haven't slept well and honestly, I'm a little cranky about it and feeling a tad chubby. I've decided to just go on a really clean way of eating. Even more clean that normal. My mom was watching a Dr. Oz show and a doctor mentioned that we should only eat foods with one name. i.e. carrots, turkey, oranges, etc. That's extremely clean for a potato chip and donut eater. Bwaah. I'm down cause I've GOTTA feel better.
So as with every Monday, I'm doing the Friend's Making Monday: Thanksgiving Edition
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Some Days are Just....
Some days are just...crazy...and throw you in a loop. I'm working hard and I put on something and I still feel the chub that I was almost 30+ pounds ago. We all have those days.
Today was my 3rd day in a row of Bikram practice this week. I love Bikram, I've said that before, but I realize I get annoyed with others who cramp my practice style. I get to the studio early so I can lay my mat and towel down, get all situated the way I need to keep myself sane, etc. Today right as we are gearing up for the first breathing exercises, a couple ran into the already cramped room. Thankfully, my teacher who is a witty woman, mentioned that getting to class on time is imperative. She also mentioned that it was unfair to all of us who get to class on time and set up...to now be cramped up. *sigh* By the time we got to the Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana, I was feeling claustrophobic. Just too many FOLKS.
The teacher also had a funny story about people who refuse to breathe in and out through their nose. She said she was in practice one day and this guy next to her was breathing his cold/allergy filled breath all on her during rest between the cobra pose. In her words, it was the most disgusting part of her practice. Bwaaaaahaha!! At the time she was telling this story, we were in the cobra pose and i was feeling the same way. The woman next to me was breathing through her mouth all on my shoulder. I just wanted to yell out..."BOO CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH." LOL *sigh*
Oyi, oyi....LOL....
Well, I'm off to nap so I can practice before church service tonight.
.......................peace and blessings........and Namaste............
Today was my 3rd day in a row of Bikram practice this week. I love Bikram, I've said that before, but I realize I get annoyed with others who cramp my practice style. I get to the studio early so I can lay my mat and towel down, get all situated the way I need to keep myself sane, etc. Today right as we are gearing up for the first breathing exercises, a couple ran into the already cramped room. Thankfully, my teacher who is a witty woman, mentioned that getting to class on time is imperative. She also mentioned that it was unfair to all of us who get to class on time and set up...to now be cramped up. *sigh* By the time we got to the Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana, I was feeling claustrophobic. Just too many FOLKS.
The teacher also had a funny story about people who refuse to breathe in and out through their nose. She said she was in practice one day and this guy next to her was breathing his cold/allergy filled breath all on her during rest between the cobra pose. In her words, it was the most disgusting part of her practice. Bwaaaaahaha!! At the time she was telling this story, we were in the cobra pose and i was feeling the same way. The woman next to me was breathing through her mouth all on my shoulder. I just wanted to yell out..."BOO CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH." LOL *sigh*
Oyi, oyi....LOL....
Well, I'm off to nap so I can practice before church service tonight.
.......................peace and blessings........and Namaste............
Monday, October 01, 2012
FMM: Uniquely You
Happy Monday!! I can NOT believe it is October 1st. WHERE IS THIS YEAR GOING???? I swear time is just running away. LOL Well, I woke up late and a tad behind on my daily game. What's new? LOL So, while I get my first cup of coffee in me, before the gym....I shall get the Friend Making Monday down!!
Have a fabulous day!!
Have a fabulous day!!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
8 Weeks Until Turkey Day
On Thursday in my WW meeting, we discussed it being 8 Weeks until Thanksgiving and trying to make goals before the holidays kick in. I thought I would write them here to keep myself accountable. Sometimes we need to write down/blog/etc. just to keep ourselves focused.
Here they are......
- I want to eat well. There will be times where I will botch up, but my main focus is to eat lots of leafy greens, beans, lean proteins, etc.
- Track. Tracking is the main thing with WW. Tracking and staying within my points. Track, Track, Track.
- Try and go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week. If a couple of those days I go twice a day...BAM! I really would like to even get in 4 days of Bikram. (I really love it!!) Plus there are some poses that I would really like to get a "grip" so to speak on...LOL! Also....I'm using the yoga as weight training...why? Cause i just resent weights. I don't know why...I'm working on that issue.
- My goal for the summer was to run a mile. Okay, summer is officially over...I think...and I am still hunting/dying to get this mile in. LOL So, if I could get close to a mile I would love that.
- I also plan to give away clothes that are too big. Lately every time I put on a 2XL tshirt, I realize how many inches I've lost. My clothes look like I'm swimming in them.
- Buy a heart rate monitor. Honestly I used the heart rate monitor money from last month on some Sugarpill Eyeshadow and a couple of palettes from BH Cosmetics. *snicker* The deal sealer was an episode of Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition. I can't remember the name of the lady...antyway Chris and his wife showed this woman how much you can slack when you don't work up to the appropriate heart rate.
- Drink more water. You would think that I drink enough with Bikram, personally...I don't think I drink enough. I would like a good 100oz. a day.
- Get closer to a size 12. Honestly, if was comfortably in the next size...I would do a jig of joy.
- Maybe get closer to a plant life diet.
- Not beat myself up if I don't conquer these goals. LOL
Okay...this is done and I'm going to bed. Many things to do!!!
....................peace and blessings...................................
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My Namaste has been broken..
Bwaaaah!! Seriously though..it has. Today was my 3rd day this week of Bikram. I missed out yesterday due to oversleeping. My Tuesday was WRETCHED and busy. I went to yoga, then a voice lesson, then to practice for another rehearsal...then my church gig rehearsal. I was waaaaaasted, so Namastein' yesterday was out of the plan. LOL
Antywho, I did Bikram this morning, weighed in (down 5.2 pounds...i shook the beans.) and I did some running around. I was fine until I got another unwanted call from Sears Delivery service. (That's for the end of this post.) Besides that, lemme discuss Bikram.
I'm in love with Bikram. Seriously in LOVE with Bikram. I've been practicing at Bikram Yoga Harlem. I love the studio, the teachers and the environment. It has been a great experience. It is a real nice change from my spinning and couch to 5k. Every time I practice, I feel like I'm stretching my mind and my body to a new place. Plus, it is helping me a lot with my singing...and that's always a bonus.
What about the heat? That's been the question I keep getting. Yes, it is really hot in the room. It is really 100 degrees with humidity going on. Gangsta...for the body. I hate to tell you how much I love heat. LOVE HEAT. I'm a beach person and I can lay out in the sun for hours without dipping in the water. The heat in class is not a problem. I love it and I really have to try hard not to close my eyes in savasana....even between all of the poses. If I lay flat and feel that heat come across my body...sleep calls. LOL
So....if you are up for a new physical challenge, try it. I was scared to death my first day, but I've been jumping in hard as my body will allow each class afterwards.
Now....what broke my Namaste...Sears Delivery and Customer Service. I purchased a new fridge and stove for an apartment that I'm working on in my house. Well, when the delivery guys got there this past Monday, they "said" that it wouldn't fit through the hall. Fine. Just Fine. I spoke with 2 people to cancel the order and refund my money. Tuesday, Wednesday and Today...I have received calls about a re-delivery and told them to cancel the delivery. Um....do you not read your computer notes? Obviously not. So tonight as I'm sitting at my mom's counter chillin'....I get another call about the delivery. I don't know what hit me...but I went straight gangster. What really sent me over the EDGE...when I asked to speak to a supervisor and dude wouldn't connect me. *sigh* I will say that I was given his number every day that I called to cancel the delivery. *side eye* Needless to say, I will be writing a letter to the president...even though I have totally blasted Sears on twitter today. *double sigh*
Okay...I'm off to do some singing bidness...LOL
...................peace and blessings...and NAMASTE......
Antywho, I did Bikram this morning, weighed in (down 5.2 pounds...i shook the beans.) and I did some running around. I was fine until I got another unwanted call from Sears Delivery service. (That's for the end of this post.) Besides that, lemme discuss Bikram.
I'm in love with Bikram. Seriously in LOVE with Bikram. I've been practicing at Bikram Yoga Harlem. I love the studio, the teachers and the environment. It has been a great experience. It is a real nice change from my spinning and couch to 5k. Every time I practice, I feel like I'm stretching my mind and my body to a new place. Plus, it is helping me a lot with my singing...and that's always a bonus.
What about the heat? That's been the question I keep getting. Yes, it is really hot in the room. It is really 100 degrees with humidity going on. Gangsta...for the body. I hate to tell you how much I love heat. LOVE HEAT. I'm a beach person and I can lay out in the sun for hours without dipping in the water. The heat in class is not a problem. I love it and I really have to try hard not to close my eyes in savasana....even between all of the poses. If I lay flat and feel that heat come across my body...sleep calls. LOL
So....if you are up for a new physical challenge, try it. I was scared to death my first day, but I've been jumping in hard as my body will allow each class afterwards.
Now....what broke my Namaste...Sears Delivery and Customer Service. I purchased a new fridge and stove for an apartment that I'm working on in my house. Well, when the delivery guys got there this past Monday, they "said" that it wouldn't fit through the hall. Fine. Just Fine. I spoke with 2 people to cancel the order and refund my money. Tuesday, Wednesday and Today...I have received calls about a re-delivery and told them to cancel the delivery. Um....do you not read your computer notes? Obviously not. So tonight as I'm sitting at my mom's counter chillin'....I get another call about the delivery. I don't know what hit me...but I went straight gangster. What really sent me over the EDGE...when I asked to speak to a supervisor and dude wouldn't connect me. *sigh* I will say that I was given his number every day that I called to cancel the delivery. *side eye* Needless to say, I will be writing a letter to the president...even though I have totally blasted Sears on twitter today. *double sigh*
Okay...I'm off to do some singing bidness...LOL
...................peace and blessings...and NAMASTE......
bikram yoga,
weight watchers
Monday, September 24, 2012
Haaaaaaaappy Monday!!!
Happy Monday!!!! I'm feeling really snazzy today. I hit the gym this morning, first time in 4 days. *twirl* Did some light work on the elliptical and I feel like gold. *weee* I plan on hitting Bikram tonight after a rehearsal. I missed working out. *sigh* And yes, the mat is down in the tub.
While I'm prepping a few meals, I thought I would take a break and get in the Friend Making Monday questions....Fall Favorites!
Have a fabulous day all!!!
While I'm prepping a few meals, I thought I would take a break and get in the Friend Making Monday questions....Fall Favorites!
Have a fabulous day all!!!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Day Two...Feeling Better
Today...I've been frumping around. I didn't sleep well last night because my leg was KILLING me. Needless to say I was not happy, but also grateful that I freelance because I would have been a horror at a 9-5 job.
While sitting here frumping and going through tons of gluten-free recipes, my leg started feeling better. Actually, while I'm here typing I am feeling a tons better. YAY!! Hopefully Bikram will be on my Saturday to do list!!
Not more to post. I've eaten well for the past two days...tons of veggies, light on the legumes. Going to make lunch for tomorrow so I won't be ready to hit people after yoga.
.....peace and blessings........
While sitting here frumping and going through tons of gluten-free recipes, my leg started feeling better. Actually, while I'm here typing I am feeling a tons better. YAY!! Hopefully Bikram will be on my Saturday to do list!!
Not more to post. I've eaten well for the past two days...tons of veggies, light on the legumes. Going to make lunch for tomorrow so I won't be ready to hit people after yoga.
.....peace and blessings........
Thursday, September 20, 2012
the calm before the neurotic storm...
*wave* Today...was so crazy in so many different ways. One, I woke up with the worst pain in my leg. *sigh* I have been waiting for the storm after the calm all week. Monday, in between spinning, rehearsals and Bikram...I ran to take a shower and slipped in the tub. I fell back first and my calf muscle banged into the side of the tub. I was okay Monday, Tuesday and yesterday during Bikram on the second to last sit up I felt my leg saying..."no more." Grrr.
About 2 this morning, I couldn't sleep on my left side. *sigh* It didn't get better until about 6 and I slept like a rock until 8. The plan was to go to a 10AM Bikram class and sweat out before weigh in. Didn't happen. My leg said..."Boo try it and you will be in a mess." LOL I stayed at home and moped. Moped, Facebooked and watched Bones on Netflix. Gaah!!
Weigh in...Grr.... I've been trying to do a low meat diet and eating more legumes and tons of veggies. I gained 4 pounds this week. Boo! Just Boo!! Needless to say, I wanted to cry. I've been double dutyin' in the gym...working really hard and doing right. Then this mess...Gaah!!! Thass okay, I'm pressing on.
Bikram... Yesterday, I took my second class and I think I fell in great like with it. Not love yet. I sweated from beginning to end. It was hot as all HADES, but when it was done, i felt good. Really good. Also, I brought some coconut water and GUZZLED it after class. I didn't have that strange eye twitch and...did I say how GREAT i felt when it was over? LOL
Okay...well, it is time for me to put up tomorrow's dinner...curried lentils (yea, i'll learn) and watching me another episode of Bones. LOL
...............peace and blessings...................
About 2 this morning, I couldn't sleep on my left side. *sigh* It didn't get better until about 6 and I slept like a rock until 8. The plan was to go to a 10AM Bikram class and sweat out before weigh in. Didn't happen. My leg said..."Boo try it and you will be in a mess." LOL I stayed at home and moped. Moped, Facebooked and watched Bones on Netflix. Gaah!!
Weigh in...Grr.... I've been trying to do a low meat diet and eating more legumes and tons of veggies. I gained 4 pounds this week. Boo! Just Boo!! Needless to say, I wanted to cry. I've been double dutyin' in the gym...working really hard and doing right. Then this mess...Gaah!!! Thass okay, I'm pressing on.
Bikram... Yesterday, I took my second class and I think I fell in great like with it. Not love yet. I sweated from beginning to end. It was hot as all HADES, but when it was done, i felt good. Really good. Also, I brought some coconut water and GUZZLED it after class. I didn't have that strange eye twitch and...did I say how GREAT i felt when it was over? LOL
Okay...well, it is time for me to put up tomorrow's dinner...curried lentils (yea, i'll learn) and watching me another episode of Bones. LOL
...............peace and blessings...................
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I'm still alive...
I decided to get a quick post about last night before I head off to the gym. So...Bikram Yoga. Lesssee....I have to admit, I loved it. My mom was so concerned for me doing this. Oh your weight (there was a woman larger than me in the class.), oh yoga in 100 degree room (it wasn't that painful.), it just sounds unhealthy.
Well, lets start with the heat. Yes it is hot as hell up in that room, but I'm learning to love sweating. Sweating releases toxins. Release, release. I took all of my friend's advice and I survived the heat.
What I couldn't get together and maybe it was my nerves...spend your day drinking water. Seriously. That's my EPIC.FAIL. Normally on a good day I drink about 100oz. of water. (Thank you Brita water filter water bottle.) Yesterday, couldn't get it together. I made it through class, but started feeling strange/mild headache when the class was over. I texted the Bikram crew and they said I was dehydrated. When I got in, 40 oz. went down the hatch. I hopped in the shower and called it a day.
Now...how do I feel right NOW. I know I have muscles all over my body, but it is a good feeling. Well, for me it is. I can't believe how grateful that I allowed myself to stretch out. I can't tell you all how long I've been dying to take classes. I'm SO excited that the first day has happened. Now, I'm planning out my life around it. Bwaah.
If you are in the NYC area Bikram Yoga Harlem has a new student special... 30 days for $30.
.....peace and blessings.......
Monday, September 17, 2012
FMM: Blog Stuff and Just Stuff
Happy Monday!! I am really looking forward to tonight...my first time at Bikram Yoga. *twirl* I really LOVE yoga, but finding a class that works with my schedule and NYSC's schedule...not happening. Plus, I've had several friends who just rave and rave about it. So...I'm going to dive in.
Besides that...I'm loving my Monday and Friday Spinning classes. They are hard, get on my nerves, but I love how much stronger I feel when I'm done.
Mmmk...some Friend Making Monday...so I can get on with my day. I need to practice, deal with Time Warner, a choir rehearsal...then yoga. Wee!!
Besides that...I'm loving my Monday and Friday Spinning classes. They are hard, get on my nerves, but I love how much stronger I feel when I'm done.
Mmmk...some Friend Making Monday...so I can get on with my day. I need to practice, deal with Time Warner, a choir rehearsal...then yoga. Wee!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wiggle, Wiggle
Oh, that's all I could think of for a title. LOL Man, I'm tired. This morning I went to Spinning as planned and it was one little DIFFICULT class. Well, for me it was. We did these off the chart hills and my thighs feel like death warm over. ROFL!!
Now I'm here trying to figure out what to do this evening. Yea...I'm a glutton for punishment. Every day I'm realizing that I don't feel good unless I have some pain going on through my legs, arms...muscles....etc. It's weird, but I actually like it. Shhhh....
So, since I did so well this week on the weight loss thingy, I decided to do a new kick with my exercise game. Next week I'm going to try Bikram Yoga. Honestly, I'm scared crapless. Seriously scared, but I love yoga and it has helped seriously with my breathing for singing. I can't wait...and like I said to a friend, I'm scared and excited all at one time. LOL I'll report how I feel about it after I take the class.
Okay...now I'm off to be a productive artist....yea, well a nap first and a little bit of Bones. LOL
Have a great Friday!!!
Now I'm here trying to figure out what to do this evening. Yea...I'm a glutton for punishment. Every day I'm realizing that I don't feel good unless I have some pain going on through my legs, arms...muscles....etc. It's weird, but I actually like it. Shhhh....
So, since I did so well this week on the weight loss thingy, I decided to do a new kick with my exercise game. Next week I'm going to try Bikram Yoga. Honestly, I'm scared crapless. Seriously scared, but I love yoga and it has helped seriously with my breathing for singing. I can't wait...and like I said to a friend, I'm scared and excited all at one time. LOL I'll report how I feel about it after I take the class.
Okay...now I'm off to be a productive artist....yea, well a nap first and a little bit of Bones. LOL
Have a great Friday!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Uuuhrah.... :/
So...I haven't blogged in a minute. Lessesee what happened was...LOL I went out of town for over a week with the mom (drove to Chicago), learning 2 operas and just life. LOL I did fall off of the wagon for a bit, but got back on last week. I've noticed how serious my determination this time...because my fall off time is not that long.
I skipped a couple of weeks....blah....and when I weighed in last week it said I had gained weight. *shrug* I'm not surprised. I'm such a mid-western/southern girl trapped in this chubby NYC body. LOL I ate biscuits..tons of biscuits, home fries, fried chicken, tons of macaroni and cheese and then some. ROFL!! But I came back with a vengeance.
After last week's reality check, I got back on the wagon and this week at weigh-in I lost 6.6 pounds!! Go me!!! I'm very proud of myself because I'm over 20lbs. down. I'm looking forward to the next 10lbs.
Now...I love these Monday Friend Making Monday's and...even though I'm a few days late, I'm still doing it. Bwaahaaa!!
I skipped a couple of weeks....blah....and when I weighed in last week it said I had gained weight. *shrug* I'm not surprised. I'm such a mid-western/southern girl trapped in this chubby NYC body. LOL I ate biscuits..tons of biscuits, home fries, fried chicken, tons of macaroni and cheese and then some. ROFL!! But I came back with a vengeance.
After last week's reality check, I got back on the wagon and this week at weigh-in I lost 6.6 pounds!! Go me!!! I'm very proud of myself because I'm over 20lbs. down. I'm looking forward to the next 10lbs.
Now...I love these Monday Friend Making Monday's and...even though I'm a few days late, I'm still doing it. Bwaahaaa!!
friend making monday,
weight watchers
Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday, Schmonday.....
*sigh* Last week was a hard week. I probably needed to blog because I now feel like I was on a slippery slope down to bad habits. Between the gummy bears and Chex Mix Cheddar, I've been out of control. Well out of control in comparison to being in control for the past 9 weeks. When you have been as focused as I have...what I've done this past week is out of control. *sigh* It happens and now my mind is back in the game.
I also didn't weigh in last Thursday. That's also bad. It's okay, I got on the scale this morning and now my mind is back. I've eaten breakfast and I'm here letting it digest while catching up on last night's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. The show inspires me to keep in the "game".
Last Friday I got a drift of how strong I've gotten. For my couch to 5K for the first month I was using Skimble's Workout Trainer Beginners Running Program. The other day I was talking to a friend and she said, "My couch to 5K program doesn't work like yours. Are you sure you're doing what I'm doing?" She sent me a link and I realized...no, I wasn't doing the same thing. LOL
Well, I did the "official" Couch to 5K Day 1. And you know what....I made it. LOL I made it through the 90 second walks and 60 second runs...8 runs. *whew* I also made it through the day without a nap and 2 hours of practicing. *twirl* Getting stronger makes me really happy....even when I bomb food wise.
The goal for this week is to track, track, track my food and my exercise. Whoever lied and said this was easy....did just that L.I.E.D. *eye roll*
As with every Monday....Friend Making Monday: Inappropriate Questions...Lessgo!!!
I also didn't weigh in last Thursday. That's also bad. It's okay, I got on the scale this morning and now my mind is back. I've eaten breakfast and I'm here letting it digest while catching up on last night's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. The show inspires me to keep in the "game".
Last Friday I got a drift of how strong I've gotten. For my couch to 5K for the first month I was using Skimble's Workout Trainer Beginners Running Program. The other day I was talking to a friend and she said, "My couch to 5K program doesn't work like yours. Are you sure you're doing what I'm doing?" She sent me a link and I realized...no, I wasn't doing the same thing. LOL
Well, I did the "official" Couch to 5K Day 1. And you know what....I made it. LOL I made it through the 90 second walks and 60 second runs...8 runs. *whew* I also made it through the day without a nap and 2 hours of practicing. *twirl* Getting stronger makes me really happy....even when I bomb food wise.
The goal for this week is to track, track, track my food and my exercise. Whoever lied and said this was easy....did just that L.I.E.D. *eye roll*
As with every Monday....Friend Making Monday: Inappropriate Questions...Lessgo!!!
couch to 5K,
friend making monday,
weight watchers
Monday, August 13, 2012
In the Kitchen....
So the plan was to do better about blogging this week. Didn't happen. Grr!!! There is a lot of stuff poppin' musically and I'm grateful, but I feel like I'm neglecting my blog. *sigh*
Last week was good weight wise. I lost another 3.8 pounds. YaY me!! I feel more focused with each day. I've even been very religiously working on the Couch to 5K program. Additional weight loss has helped there as well. And...my favorite accomplishment of last week is tackling the damn Cybex machine. I don't know if I've blogged about my hate of that machine. I've made it through a few episodes with it...and survived and a ton of sweat on da FLOOR. *Amen* LOL
Well as with every Monday...I have to do All the Weigh's Friend Making Monday Meme. I just LOVE this thing weekly.
Last week was good weight wise. I lost another 3.8 pounds. YaY me!! I feel more focused with each day. I've even been very religiously working on the Couch to 5K program. Additional weight loss has helped there as well. And...my favorite accomplishment of last week is tackling the damn Cybex machine. I don't know if I've blogged about my hate of that machine. I've made it through a few episodes with it...and survived and a ton of sweat on da FLOOR. *Amen* LOL
Well as with every Monday...I have to do All the Weigh's Friend Making Monday Meme. I just LOVE this thing weekly.
friend making monday,
weight watchers
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
A little won't hurt...
Well, I'm back home...after 2 weeks house sitting for the mom and feeling like I was having a vacation in the city. LOL I'm always grateful for that break because I feel like it resets me in different ways.
So, last night I went to a concert with some friends in the park across the street from the moms house. A friend texts me to confirm that I'm coming because he's making punch. Punch? I ask...yes, punch. And would I be kind enough to bring cups. Fine.
When I get to the park said friend continually tries to offer me the punch and I say no because at this point liquid calories are not my thing. Food/chocolate calories...I'll take...drinking, no thanks. So, he says...well it is about getting a buzz. I still said no thanks.
Each day I find new ways of reminding me of how focused I am. Don't get me wrong...i love a great cocktail, but at this point I don't enjoy the way I feel the next day. No matter how much water i drink, I feel like crapola the next day in the gym. It is not worth it and for me I feel it is compromising my progress.
Instead of drinking last night, I listened to some Lalah Hathaway and really enjoyed myself. I also got up this morning and did day 3 of Couch to 5k...with issues, but did it. Then I did a 13 incline at 2.8 and sweated for another 10 minutes. I feel good and I don't feel bad for not joining in on the drinking fun.
I'm growing, I'm growing.
Have a great day all!!!
...................peace and blessings.............
Monday, August 06, 2012
....and so because umm....Friend Making Monday
Woozer....an unplanned hiatus for a week...oops. Things have been whirly. After last week, I decided that I would be more focused about couch to 5k and this time, I'm feeling more better about it. For example, I did it this morning and my legs are stronger and I don't feel like I could kick someone when I'm done during the spurts.
Last week, I went to my weigh-in and I'm now officially 5% down. Who is pumped?? Moi!! I'm looking forward to the next 5%. I feel good and I even feel better supported singing wise. I can't see where I'll be by headshot time at the end of September.
Since I've had a really exhausting day from singing and gymming and just living and it is just 6 something pm...I'm going to do my weekly love...Friend Making Monday from All The Weigh....
Last week, I went to my weigh-in and I'm now officially 5% down. Who is pumped?? Moi!! I'm looking forward to the next 5%. I feel good and I even feel better supported singing wise. I can't see where I'll be by headshot time at the end of September.
Since I've had a really exhausting day from singing and gymming and just living and it is just 6 something pm...I'm going to do my weekly love...Friend Making Monday from All The Weigh....
couch to 5K,
friend making monday,
weight watchers
Monday, July 30, 2012
Crazy, Productive Monday...
Hey!! I'm taking a practice break...cause I need to. LOL It has been such a productive day. I feel so good and happy. I'm even looking forward to starting the next phase of ChaLean Extreme this evening. Yeas, yeas....LOL
Here's the Friend Making Monday.....You know I love doing these!!!
Here's the Friend Making Monday.....You know I love doing these!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Quiet and Madness...wrapped up in ONE!
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Tiffany over me singing! LOL |
I can say, house sitting for the mom has been a treat. One, because my mom is surrounded by musicians, I can practice anytime of the day and as long as I want....and I get to doggy sit her ornery and funny dog Tiffany. Tiffany is a 12 year old Shorkie (Shitzu and Yorkie). She's old, but feisty and funny. She keeps me and the mom's cat Socks on our toes. LOL Plus, nothing is funnier than me trying to do my CheLean exercises that cause me to be on the floor. I was doing some chest presses and she came over with her brown eyes and long eyelashes to give me that...what in the HAYLE are you doing look. Then she laid down and made it difficult to do them. Bwaahaha. Oh pets.
In other news...I can't remember if I said I lost those 2 pounds I gained last week. LOL There's so much going on I can't remember. Gaaah!! I feel good and like disciplined. It is really strange. Everyday I see myself more focused, more stronger, more determined. It is a nice feeling. Makes me happy. Even if the scale isn't moving, I see myself thinning out. Like I put some pants on yesterday and this ugly override thing I had on my thighs...gone. It makes me happy...and even more focused.
Well, I'm getting the side eye from the mom's funny dog. Yea...she needs a walk. I hope you all have a great day!!
...........peace and blessings.........................
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
*singing* What a day this has been.....
Ha.... I'm actually quite amazed that I'm able to type at this moment. It has been QUITE a day.
Since the mom is out of town, I'm her house sitter...and her car sitter...and her dog sitter...and her cat sitter...gardener... LOL You get it. Since I'm the car sitter, I had to do alternate side parking with her car. I found a space for my car last night. *sigh*
So, this is how my Tuesday flowed....I hit the gym by 8:15 and did 37 minutes on the elliptical. For some reason, it was difficult and I sweated like I was doing this crap in a sauna. When I left the gym, I ran by my house to check on my cat. Talk abut an evil broad cause I didn't spend the night at home. Then I ran back to the mom's...parked...walked the dog and then ran and met my boy at the gym for round 2. Yea...45 minutes on the treadmill with a wicked incline. (Go me....)
As I was walking home, I kept contemplating a nap, then I realized...nap wasn't an option. I got my lunch done...and in my body...then I got ready to hit the road again.
I had to be at church at 3 for the funeral of Harlem's Sylvia's. Sylvia's name is as famous as Harlem. And she really had a funeral fit for a queen. It started at 4 and ended at 7:45PM. Serious I say...plus, I was in arms reach of former President Bill Clinton. *swoon* LOL It was quite a powerful service. It is something when everyone says the same thing about you...you were humble, you encouraged everyone, made everyone feel loved and respected....and on and on. That's speaks so highly of Sylvia's character....how many people can we say that about??
Then I walked home...seriously...when I hit the kitchen this evening...I wanted to pass.out. PASS.OUT. But...I hadn't had dinner. I grabbed that, walked the dog for the night and now I'm in the mom's bed feeling like Nina from Love Jones. ROFL....
I'm exhausted, but rather impressed. Usually when I have a day like this, I take a nap. I made it without a nap...WITHOUT and my brain didn't die. LOL I just apologized to the dog in advance cause I know I'm gonna snore.
Okay...I'm done.
.............peace and blessings......
Since the mom is out of town, I'm her house sitter...and her car sitter...and her dog sitter...and her cat sitter...gardener... LOL You get it. Since I'm the car sitter, I had to do alternate side parking with her car. I found a space for my car last night. *sigh*
So, this is how my Tuesday flowed....I hit the gym by 8:15 and did 37 minutes on the elliptical. For some reason, it was difficult and I sweated like I was doing this crap in a sauna. When I left the gym, I ran by my house to check on my cat. Talk abut an evil broad cause I didn't spend the night at home. Then I ran back to the mom's...parked...walked the dog and then ran and met my boy at the gym for round 2. Yea...45 minutes on the treadmill with a wicked incline. (Go me....)
As I was walking home, I kept contemplating a nap, then I realized...nap wasn't an option. I got my lunch done...and in my body...then I got ready to hit the road again.
I had to be at church at 3 for the funeral of Harlem's Sylvia's. Sylvia's name is as famous as Harlem. And she really had a funeral fit for a queen. It started at 4 and ended at 7:45PM. Serious I say...plus, I was in arms reach of former President Bill Clinton. *swoon* LOL It was quite a powerful service. It is something when everyone says the same thing about you...you were humble, you encouraged everyone, made everyone feel loved and respected....and on and on. That's speaks so highly of Sylvia's character....how many people can we say that about??
Then I walked home...seriously...when I hit the kitchen this evening...I wanted to pass.out. PASS.OUT. But...I hadn't had dinner. I grabbed that, walked the dog for the night and now I'm in the mom's bed feeling like Nina from Love Jones. ROFL....
I'm exhausted, but rather impressed. Usually when I have a day like this, I take a nap. I made it without a nap...WITHOUT and my brain didn't die. LOL I just apologized to the dog in advance cause I know I'm gonna snore.
Okay...I'm done.
.............peace and blessings......
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friend Making Monday....on the run
I'm going to do this quickly...and then I'm going to really blog a post. Ahh...things have been poppin'...oh life. LOL Plus, I need to hit the gym!!!
Here you go...and definitely do it yourself.
Here you go...and definitely do it yourself.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Two Points...For real??
i was reading through this week's weekly weight watchers book and in the middle they have an article called "the active life". now on the second page of this article there is a fancy bubble with the exercise rx.... The first sentence says....
For those who aren't WW-ites...points are how we work. It's easy for me and not for others. I like to cook and eat my own food and I can do that. Points are even judged for our exercise. It just depends on how intense you workout.
So...I was flipping through the book during yesterday's meeting and I chuckled out loud. My leader asked what made me laugh and I replied "Fourteen points a week for exercise?" She looked at me and with her fabulous southern drawl said..."Honey, YOU ignore this."
LOL Normally on a good week I earn about 104+ points in exercise. Seriously and i try to challenge myself to break the previous weeks number. I'm competitive with myself. I make it my goal to get at least 40-55 minutes of cardio done....5 to 6 days a week. Some days I even double up my duty. Like Tuesday and Fridays I do Zumba in the evening and Monday and Friday mornings I do Spinning....in addition to the elliptical and the treadmill. This is not even including my weight training and other types of fumbling/exercising that happens. So...14 points? LOL
Other than this funny...life has been rather normal. I did weigh-in...gained 2 lbs. (Haaa...2 the magic number this week.) I'm not mad. I had an awful week...the ups and downs of wheat and the lack of exercise (only 41 points. bwaaah!). I feel good and I'm looking forward to an interesting week coming up. Looking towards lots of singing, exercising and living a fun life.
......peace and blessings........
To stay healthy and lower your risk of chronic disease, we encourage you to set a goal of 14 activity PointsPlus a week - an average of just 2 a day.
For those who aren't WW-ites...points are how we work. It's easy for me and not for others. I like to cook and eat my own food and I can do that. Points are even judged for our exercise. It just depends on how intense you workout.
So...I was flipping through the book during yesterday's meeting and I chuckled out loud. My leader asked what made me laugh and I replied "Fourteen points a week for exercise?" She looked at me and with her fabulous southern drawl said..."Honey, YOU ignore this."
LOL Normally on a good week I earn about 104+ points in exercise. Seriously and i try to challenge myself to break the previous weeks number. I'm competitive with myself. I make it my goal to get at least 40-55 minutes of cardio done....5 to 6 days a week. Some days I even double up my duty. Like Tuesday and Fridays I do Zumba in the evening and Monday and Friday mornings I do Spinning....in addition to the elliptical and the treadmill. This is not even including my weight training and other types of fumbling/exercising that happens. So...14 points? LOL
Other than this funny...life has been rather normal. I did weigh-in...gained 2 lbs. (Haaa...2 the magic number this week.) I'm not mad. I had an awful week...the ups and downs of wheat and the lack of exercise (only 41 points. bwaaah!). I feel good and I'm looking forward to an interesting week coming up. Looking towards lots of singing, exercising and living a fun life.
......peace and blessings........
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
getting back to business....
nothing like getting home from a rehearsal early...so i can go back to translating music that i'm excited about singing. *twirl*
anty-who. yesterday i felt like true hell. today i feel like i can conquer the world. so after a tad bit of rehashing the food of the day before...i had 2 things that i don't regularly eat. 1. chicken parmesean...fried chicken cutlet and 2. angel hair pasta....wheat. ahhh wheat. the dreaded wheat.
so guess who really knows that wheat irritates her tummy....uhhh...me. i will get it in my head. i swear i will...prayerfully soon. bwaaah.
other than the non tummy blues today....i've had a wonderful day. i did 35 minutes on the recumbent bike and then i ran home and did burn circuit 1 of Chalean Extreme. i felt so good. i've tracked and i feel great. nothing like a happy tummy. back to no fried foods and no wheat.
well, it is time to tackle some more puccini....
.....peace and blessings......
anty-who. yesterday i felt like true hell. today i feel like i can conquer the world. so after a tad bit of rehashing the food of the day before...i had 2 things that i don't regularly eat. 1. chicken parmesean...fried chicken cutlet and 2. angel hair pasta....wheat. ahhh wheat. the dreaded wheat.
so guess who really knows that wheat irritates her tummy....uhhh...me. i will get it in my head. i swear i will...prayerfully soon. bwaaah.
other than the non tummy blues today....i've had a wonderful day. i did 35 minutes on the recumbent bike and then i ran home and did burn circuit 1 of Chalean Extreme. i felt so good. i've tracked and i feel great. nothing like a happy tummy. back to no fried foods and no wheat.
well, it is time to tackle some more puccini....
.....peace and blessings......
Monday, July 16, 2012
Trying to put the brakes on a speeding car....
that's the way i'm feeling right now....like i'm a speeding car going on i-95 at a 100mph. gaah. i woke up this morning feeling awful...so awful i'm feeling just full of awe. it's bad.
this past weekend was my church's outing and i had a wonderful time. i went prepared with my own food...baked chicken, some shrimp, huge salad and tons of fruit. but there was a liquid enemy there...alcohol. i kept it under control, but still. for someone who hasn't had a drink since christmas...it was something. then yesterday i had some chicken parmesan...yummo...but boo.hoo right now. lol
i feel blah, sluggish and my stomach is not my friend at the moment. so right now, i'm nursing water and peppermint tea. hopefully my stomach will get it together soon cause i want to exercise. *sigh*
okay...i'm going back to translating the newest opera to learn Il Tabarro...i'm sooooooo excited about it. have a great day all.
...........peace and blessings..........
this past weekend was my church's outing and i had a wonderful time. i went prepared with my own food...baked chicken, some shrimp, huge salad and tons of fruit. but there was a liquid enemy there...alcohol. i kept it under control, but still. for someone who hasn't had a drink since christmas...it was something. then yesterday i had some chicken parmesan...yummo...but boo.hoo right now. lol
i feel blah, sluggish and my stomach is not my friend at the moment. so right now, i'm nursing water and peppermint tea. hopefully my stomach will get it together soon cause i want to exercise. *sigh*
okay...i'm going back to translating the newest opera to learn Il Tabarro...i'm sooooooo excited about it. have a great day all.
...........peace and blessings..........
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Muck and Mire...Day 2....
Sweet Jesus alive. Today was absolutely no better than yesterday. Actually even worse. Since I'm a freelance artist...I was grateful that I had no plans and could stay in bed all day. Literally.
I got up at my usual around 6:40 and I was dizzy. Dizzy and mad...trying to convince myself that I could make it to the gym. I get myself together and in the car to do alternate side parking...it didn't happen. I ran by the post, got a cup of Dunkin coffee and then sat in the car and read The Help. At 10, when alternate side was done...I couldn't move. I sat there reading for another 45 minutes.
I came in the house and the thought of food repulsed me...so in the bed I went. I got up around 3 hoping I could get it together...washed some dishes, cleaned up my stove and stuff, took out the recycling and garbage....naw...back to bed. Yea, I was in the bed all day and the cat watched me like a hawk...ALL.DAY. *sigh*
Being in the bed made me miss my weigh-in, which I'm going to try and hit tomorrow. I had planned to cook lunch...didn't happen until dinner. Yea...that means I didn't get up until almost 6. I ate well for dinner...a Dijon sauced tilapia, corn on the cob and a huge salad. I feel much better and hope I can get some exercise going tomorrow. If not...I will GAG. LOL
Hope everyone had a fabulous day. I'm off to translate some music....
.....peace and blessings.....
I got up at my usual around 6:40 and I was dizzy. Dizzy and mad...trying to convince myself that I could make it to the gym. I get myself together and in the car to do alternate side parking...it didn't happen. I ran by the post, got a cup of Dunkin coffee and then sat in the car and read The Help. At 10, when alternate side was done...I couldn't move. I sat there reading for another 45 minutes.
I came in the house and the thought of food repulsed me...so in the bed I went. I got up around 3 hoping I could get it together...washed some dishes, cleaned up my stove and stuff, took out the recycling and garbage....naw...back to bed. Yea, I was in the bed all day and the cat watched me like a hawk...ALL.DAY. *sigh*
Being in the bed made me miss my weigh-in, which I'm going to try and hit tomorrow. I had planned to cook lunch...didn't happen until dinner. Yea...that means I didn't get up until almost 6. I ate well for dinner...a Dijon sauced tilapia, corn on the cob and a huge salad. I feel much better and hope I can get some exercise going tomorrow. If not...I will GAG. LOL
Hope everyone had a fabulous day. I'm off to translate some music....
.....peace and blessings.....
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Pushing through the muck and mire...LOL
I started this last night and I couldn't finish it. I'm trying to complete it...again because I'm here pushing through my personal muck and mire. I don't want to go to the gym. The gym hasn't insulted me or done anything to me...I just don't want to go. I don't want to do any cardio. I don't want to do any weights. Yea, my own muck and mire.
Yes, I did go to the gym yesterday. It was like pulling teeth. Normally, I hit the gym about 9 and I'm pumped and excited. Yesterday not the case. I realized how late it was when I saw the intro to The View. Gaah. I hit the gym, plugged in one of my favorite opera singers and then got my time done. To be honest, I feel SOOOOOOOO much better, but I don't wanna go. LOL
Right now I should be tackling through my Couch to 5K walk/run and then my ChaLean Extreme. Instead I'm here polishing my nails. Pish.posh. Since tomorrow is my weigh in day, I'll definitely hit the gym soon. Plus, I've been so focused and I've been eating clean...
Oh well...I'll get there eventually. I hope y'all have a fabulous and very productive day. After I finally hit the gym, there is some Norma (the opera) in my future....
.....peace and blessings.....
Yes, I did go to the gym yesterday. It was like pulling teeth. Normally, I hit the gym about 9 and I'm pumped and excited. Yesterday not the case. I realized how late it was when I saw the intro to The View. Gaah. I hit the gym, plugged in one of my favorite opera singers and then got my time done. To be honest, I feel SOOOOOOOO much better, but I don't wanna go. LOL
Right now I should be tackling through my Couch to 5K walk/run and then my ChaLean Extreme. Instead I'm here polishing my nails. Pish.posh. Since tomorrow is my weigh in day, I'll definitely hit the gym soon. Plus, I've been so focused and I've been eating clean...
Oh well...I'll get there eventually. I hope y'all have a fabulous and very productive day. After I finally hit the gym, there is some Norma (the opera) in my future....
.....peace and blessings.....
Monday, July 09, 2012
Friend Making Monday......
I'm up early eating breakfast before heading to my Monday Spinning class and decided to do some blog surfing. I thought I would hit up All The Weigh and see if the FMM was up...and it was!!!
1. What is your favorite thing about Summer? It is warm. I hate cold weather.
2. What is your favorite outdoor activity? Walking right now. I'm trying to make biking apart of that as well.. Well.....
3. If you had to choose, would you prefer to be too hot or too cold? I rather be too hot than too cold.
4. Does your appetite increase or decrease during warmer months? Does it stay the same? I like to eat so it really doesn't matter. LOL
5. What is your favorite seasonal Summer fruit? Peaches....yummmmm
6. Would you prefer to spend a hot summer day at the mall or at a swimming pool? The swimming pool. I haven't done that in awhile. *idea, idea*
7. Are you more likely to tan or sunburn? Tan, but I'm trying to be more responsible as I get older...no sun for me period. *gaaaaah*
8. How does your routine change when Summer begins? It doesn't. I'm constantly in learning music mode or perfecting music mode....so it is the same 24/7/365.
9. What is the temperature outside where you are today? Since it is early in the am....73...but i know the humidity level is rather high.
10. What is your favorite Summer holiday? I love summer...every day is a holiday to me!
Sunday, July 08, 2012
If I can keep the faith
That was the lyric to one of the songs we sang today in church this morning. By now, one would get the vibe that I'm a church going Christian. That's not what this post is all about. It is about keeping the faith.Sometimes burdens and afflictions press my soul, oh yes, they do,But that only makes me more determined to reach my goalIf I can hold out, If I can keep the faith,In God's own time, my change will come, it will come.In God's own time, my change will come, it will come. - James Cleveland
When people start talking about losing weight, others are so damn opinionated and they think this is an easy feat. "Just eat less and exercise and it will happen." Granted, that is true, but a lot of time, it is about being determined and keeping the faith. Losing weight takes patience, focus and a TON of faith.
In my about me section I talked about how I gained a ton of weight in college. I did and every summer I attempted to lose weight. As a NYer it is easy to just walk and do all kinds a things that can help you lose weight, but being in KY it didn't work that way. I lived in a city where you had to drive really to get anywhere or as a student you could go to the gym....where the athletes trained. *eye roll*
As I tackle this journey...watching the scale go down and watching my clothes get bigger and bigger, I was reminded this morning to keep the faith. Sometimes we don't understand why things don't happen when we think they should happen. Obviously, because it is not the right time.
I still can't say what possessed me a few weeks ago to get really focused. Whatever it is, I'm just grateful. Sooooooo grateful. And now I'm determined to reach my goal.
.......peace and blessings......
Friday, July 06, 2012
Couch to....Jesus keep me near the cross....
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Pepper napping... |
So how was your 4th? Mine was good and quiet and calm...just what was needed. I went to BJ's and Target, gymmed with my friend, and did my ChaLean Extreme. I movied with the mom...Madea's Witness Protection and then headed home to cook. I ate REALLY well and tracked and felt really good.
Yesterday...well...LOL. I didn't eat so well. Well, lemme rephrase that. I ate too much. The mom and I went to our weekly meeting (I lost a pound and she lost 1.8), then she said she wanted to go to City Island. I LOVE seafood so I couldn't turn down that offer. At the restaurant I ate white bread and a white potato with my lunch. I haven't had either one in over 5 weeks...and to be quite honest, I've been feeling amazing. I can't wait until I can shake the white sugar....but I have a reckless sweet tooth so I keep praying.
Anyway, when you are constantly eating smaller meals, when you eat a huge one....you feel the difference. Lord knows I did and then I panicked. Haaa!! I drank so much water when I got in that I was up half the night running to the bathroom.
Oh well, I'm off to grab a cat nap...and most likely my 14 year old cat, Pepper, will join me. Besides needing it because I didn't sleep well...but I have plans to go to Zumba at 6. Originally I was gonna do Cardio Kickboxing...but I ain't feelin' driving downtown it at the moment. Bwaah... Cardio is cardio ain't it?
Until later...
....peace and blessings.....
couch to 5K,
Monday, July 02, 2012
Solid....Solid as a Rock, Rock, Rock....
Haa! That's the song that got me through Spinning today. Baaaaaabahy...lemme tell you. For 30 minutes of the 45 minute class I prayed and sang all of the 80's hits that were being played. I pushed myself and my body was OVAH me. No matter how annoyed I am in the heat of the class, when I get done...I feel so much stronger. When I got home from the gym I pushed through the ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 3 and the Ab Burner. Yea...that Ab Burner....makes me want to say awful un-Christian words. Gaaaah....grrr.... I survived. Nothing left to say. LOL
Well here are the Friend Making Monday Questions from All The Weigh....
Well here are the Friend Making Monday Questions from All The Weigh....
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Ugh...and LOVE!
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off to spinning for the 1st time in a minute |
So on to the loves....
- I've survived 2 days of Couch to 5K. Last Thursday was my first day. I've been using the Skimble app....which is amazing when i'm in the gym. Yesterday was harder than the first day, but i heard that was the case. IT DOESN'T matter...i'm pressing on with this running business. i feel so...amazed and proud of myself.
- ChaLean Extreme...okay...love, love. The 40 minutes don't seem like hell. As much as i loved the woman who was my trainer, i don't feel bored or crazed with it. Looking forward to LEAN muscles in 90 days.
- Spinning... This past Friday the plan was to go to Zumba. I woke up late and said..."self...you are going to do something different." Self went to spinning. The first 15 minutes i wanted to quit. Then i remembered...i had to. JUST HAD TO! i took my eyes off of the clock and pressed on. The next thing I knew she said this was the last hill climb and we would be cooling down in a minute. Go.me.
- Food wise...i'm killing. i know i'm killing. LOL my body knows i'm killing and i never feel like i've missed out on a meal. Nothing like eating healthy and feeling good.
- Weigh in wise...i'm down 13 lbs via Weight Watchers scale. The other day i woke up and i was down 15. LOL I'll go with my scale...it inspires me to keep pressing on. ROFL
Okay...off to watch the rest of Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition. Looking forward to a healthy week and tons of practicing...
.....peace and blessings....
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday a day or 2 late....
Guess what...I got my Cha.Lean Extreme yesterday. I'm so excited that I want to do the cha-cha. LOL When I get in from doing the elliptical this morning, I'm going to hit it up and see what the deal is. I'm very excited because I just want to be lean...I'm looking forward to see what will happen in 30 days. It is a 90 days program, but at this point, I'm learning how to grasp small successes. YaY!!!
Antywho...I see this Friend Making Monday all over the place, especially on one of the blogs that I stalk...lol....All The Weigh.
Monday, June 25, 2012
*tired eyes blinking* Just checking in....
Well a couple of days have gone by....ooo...but things are going strong. I'm having an impatient moment. I'm sick of waiting on my Cha.lean Ex.treme. Sick honey...just sick. LOL I'm ready to get on my with leaning out my body. Just pumped. *tapping my foot waiting on my package.*
Other than that, I've been tracking, exercising and i'm seeing major changes. As of this morning (you know that deadly morning scale weighing), I'm down 15. Can't complain. I press on....
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.....and a word for the day..... |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
No Complaints...
Today was weigh in day...I did good. I lost 6.0lbs. This is really good because this is the 6 pounds that I had gained last week during the dreadful PMS. I'll take it.
Right now I'm here blogging while I'm waiting on part of my dinner. On this blazing a$$ day...I have my oven on, waiting on some sweet potato fries. Bwwwaaah at me. Yes on a 97 degree day in NYC my oven is on...for some damn sweet potato fries. It's what I want and what I'm gonna get. The more I type this, the more asinine this sounds. Oven...fries...97 degree day. *shrug* I planned for it yesterday and that's what I want.
Does anyone else who is on the struggle to lose weight, think about food constantly? I do. I'm always planning ahead, which I've been told is a good thing, and waiting for that next bite on my tongue. I personally find it obsessive and I need to focus my attention on something else....but I can't...it's always about food or music or sports. I mean as I type, I'm watching Chop.ped on Food network. Gaaaah!!!
Oh well, I'm looking forward to some gymming tomorrow....I'm tackling the couch to 5K...and then the NY Phil with my mom.
peace and blessings......
Right now I'm here blogging while I'm waiting on part of my dinner. On this blazing a$$ day...I have my oven on, waiting on some sweet potato fries. Bwwwaaah at me. Yes on a 97 degree day in NYC my oven is on...for some damn sweet potato fries. It's what I want and what I'm gonna get. The more I type this, the more asinine this sounds. Oven...fries...97 degree day. *shrug* I planned for it yesterday and that's what I want.
Does anyone else who is on the struggle to lose weight, think about food constantly? I do. I'm always planning ahead, which I've been told is a good thing, and waiting for that next bite on my tongue. I personally find it obsessive and I need to focus my attention on something else....but I can't...it's always about food or music or sports. I mean as I type, I'm watching Chop.ped on Food network. Gaaaah!!!
Oh well, I'm looking forward to some gymming tomorrow....I'm tackling the couch to 5K...and then the NY Phil with my mom.
peace and blessings......
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I'm learning
Yesterday was really a rough day mentally and emotionally. I can't remember if I stated that my friend's husband died yesterday morning. He was about 36/37...had pneumonia. They just had a baby in January. It just really got me. My friend has been through so much. She lost her mother recently to ALS, her dad 2 or 3 years ago to cancer, her grandmother's recently....yea a lot. When I read that the hubby passed....it was like someone had kicked me in the stomach. I just wanted to eat all day long. I never made the gym. I spent the day practicing and trying to wrap my mind about how my friend was handling all of this.
By 10 after being filled with music and a few episodes of Mad Men, I remembered I had chocolate in the house. *bad news* I ate about 8 small pieces of a Mil.ka Strawberry Bar that I love. *sigh* Oh well, when I hit the scale this morning....yea, i hit it daily to keep me in check...it said I was down 2 more pounds. *whew*
I keep pressing on.
So....what am i learning? i'm learning the importance of making time to be prepared. does that make sense? well today i went to bj's and stocked up. i got some collard greens, even though i wanted kale, some salad fixings, black bean burgers, sweet potato fries (my personal crack) and some chicken breasts. if it is here...i have NO excuses. i feel focused and ready. right now as i type...i'm cooking my collards so they will be ready for tomorrow.
yay me...i'm learning....i really am.
a little quote from my zumba teacher before i go..."to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe" Anatole France
i'm believing....
peace and blessings.....
By 10 after being filled with music and a few episodes of Mad Men, I remembered I had chocolate in the house. *bad news* I ate about 8 small pieces of a Mil.ka Strawberry Bar that I love. *sigh* Oh well, when I hit the scale this morning....yea, i hit it daily to keep me in check...it said I was down 2 more pounds. *whew*
I keep pressing on.
So....what am i learning? i'm learning the importance of making time to be prepared. does that make sense? well today i went to bj's and stocked up. i got some collard greens, even though i wanted kale, some salad fixings, black bean burgers, sweet potato fries (my personal crack) and some chicken breasts. if it is here...i have NO excuses. i feel focused and ready. right now as i type...i'm cooking my collards so they will be ready for tomorrow.
yay me...i'm learning....i really am.
a little quote from my zumba teacher before i go..."to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe" Anatole France
i'm believing....
peace and blessings.....
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Being prepared
Last week I realized that one of the reasons for my weight gain was 1. I barely cooked one meal and 2. I didn't track/plan ahead. I just spent the last quarter of the He.at OKC game prepping for tomorrow.
In my mom's neighborhood, which is about 5 blocks east of me, they have a fabulous farmer's market on Saturday and I took advantage. I got some bok choy, broccoli rabe, red lettuce and a couple of other things. I really love vegetables. I think they are the best things ever. Fruit...gaaah. I'm working on my fruit habit, but veggies are my love. LOL
I'm so looking forward to eating lunch tomorrow. Yes, that's the plight of being a chubby girl. I love food. I look forward to eating all the time. Oh well, I'm working on that as well.
Antywho...I will say I'm also looking forward to hitting up the gym tomorrow. My plan was to go today, but you know the saying..."You plan and God laughs." *shrug* No matter my lack of exercise, I ate well and within my points...so no complaints here.
Off to bed...gym in the morning and tackling some Bellini and Rossini. Ahhh....
peace and blessings.....
In my mom's neighborhood, which is about 5 blocks east of me, they have a fabulous farmer's market on Saturday and I took advantage. I got some bok choy, broccoli rabe, red lettuce and a couple of other things. I really love vegetables. I think they are the best things ever. Fruit...gaaah. I'm working on my fruit habit, but veggies are my love. LOL
I'm so looking forward to eating lunch tomorrow. Yes, that's the plight of being a chubby girl. I love food. I look forward to eating all the time. Oh well, I'm working on that as well.
Antywho...I will say I'm also looking forward to hitting up the gym tomorrow. My plan was to go today, but you know the saying..."You plan and God laughs." *shrug* No matter my lack of exercise, I ate well and within my points...so no complaints here.
Off to bed...gym in the morning and tackling some Bellini and Rossini. Ahhh....
peace and blessings.....
Saturday, June 16, 2012
A little more determined...
That's the quote my mom said to me today after she said how proud she was of me and my gym hustle. Lemme tell you this new groove is not easy, but I'm feeling better and more determined.
I can't tell you how many times I've tried to tackle this weight issue. That has probably been the same cry with a lot of people, but this time I'm more determined. More focused. More on the ball. Whatever it is...this extra chub is coming off. *stomping my foot*
Plus, I had perfect incentive today to keep going. I went into a store and bought some crops a size smaller....without trying them on. I was like that former number won't happen again. I got home and thought, well maybe i should try them on. Every pair fit...without struggle to zip the zipper or button the button. YaY me.
And the struggle continues another day.
...peace and blessings....
Thursday, June 14, 2012
So the other day I mentioned how the PMS monster was taking over my life. Well, it did quite nicely and I gained 7.2 pounds this week. LOL Gaaah. I knew this would happen. On top of the PMS monster, I'm suffering from the tightest hamstring pain...it makes me want to hit a wall.
Anyway, this week I learned a couple of things. First, I've got to be diligent about tracking. Second, I've got to cook my own food. Less salt, less worry and healthier eating. Ahh...this weight loss thing is all about learning how to function and get it done.
Lastly, I had to wear white for a concert that I was singing in. I detest wearing white clothes. They just...well, when you're a chubby girl, make you look much wider. Egads. The first thing my mom said after the concert..."Luvie, you're getting narrow. I can even see your hard work." Praise Jesus....
Okay...off to watch the rest of this He.at vs. OKC game.
peace and blessings.....
Anyway, this week I learned a couple of things. First, I've got to be diligent about tracking. Second, I've got to cook my own food. Less salt, less worry and healthier eating. Ahh...this weight loss thing is all about learning how to function and get it done.
Lastly, I had to wear white for a concert that I was singing in. I detest wearing white clothes. They just...well, when you're a chubby girl, make you look much wider. Egads. The first thing my mom said after the concert..."Luvie, you're getting narrow. I can even see your hard work." Praise Jesus....
Okay...off to watch the rest of this He.at vs. OKC game.
peace and blessings.....
Monday, June 11, 2012
I don't like this girl...
Ha...I'm not talking about myself, but the dreadful girl named PMS. She has me by the proverbial BALLS. Grrr...gaaah!!!
My energy is in bed under the covers. Ooof. There will be no gymming tonight after my rehearsal. *sigh* This girl, Ms. PMS, is working me. She is even making me want things that are so not good for myself and what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm proud of myself for not falling in the trap. I just can't.
Plus, I put on some crops tonight and I didn't see the obnoxious stomach hang that used to make me want to cry. I stopped wearing pants last summer because I just couldn't stand to see where my body was. Don't get me wrong, dresses are my thing....but every now and then I would love to wear some pants and not worry about how I look.
So today I did my 55 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. No incline, but at 3.5 speed...which amazes me. I touched on that yesterday i think. I remember when 2.8 would just have me at my max. YaY me!!!
Alright....off to rehearsal....
peace and blessings
Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.Victor Kiam
My energy is in bed under the covers. Ooof. There will be no gymming tonight after my rehearsal. *sigh* This girl, Ms. PMS, is working me. She is even making me want things that are so not good for myself and what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm proud of myself for not falling in the trap. I just can't.
Plus, I put on some crops tonight and I didn't see the obnoxious stomach hang that used to make me want to cry. I stopped wearing pants last summer because I just couldn't stand to see where my body was. Don't get me wrong, dresses are my thing....but every now and then I would love to wear some pants and not worry about how I look.
So today I did my 55 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. No incline, but at 3.5 speed...which amazes me. I touched on that yesterday i think. I remember when 2.8 would just have me at my max. YaY me!!!
Alright....off to rehearsal....
peace and blessings
Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.Victor Kiam
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Whaaat is happening here???
I just back in from the gym. YaY me!! My plan was to go, run home and change...then head to church for 11 AM service. Didn't happen....oh.well. I got up and piddled. If you know southerners piddlin' is not an uncommon word. For those who don't know...I just started turning in circles. I ate breakfast at 7:45 and the next thing I knew it was 9:30. LOL
Antywho...I went in focused, turned on some gospel music and treadmilled. Each day I go into the gym, I surprise myself. I'm surprised 1. how focused I am and 2. how I won't let my brain get in my own way. I remember a time when I would be easily distracted and would let my brain say...no, you can't do that. Today it really hit me. When I was in the last 3 minutes of my 45 minutes, I realized that I had been trucking on a 5.5 incline at a speed of 4.1. Someone would say that's not serious. It is for me. Six months ago doing a speed of 2.5 was major...so 4.1, I accept...and it's closer to me getting on this running game.
Well, I'm off to get ready for this day and concert. I have to run out and buy a white top to sing in. I don't know who thinks up all white clothes...I hate them. I think it is beautiful on others, but on me...no danke. Maybe when I've lost my 40lbs. I'll like them...whatev.
Remember.....Attitude is an inward thought that wiggles its way out! - Joyce Meyer
peace and blessings.....
Antywho...I went in focused, turned on some gospel music and treadmilled. Each day I go into the gym, I surprise myself. I'm surprised 1. how focused I am and 2. how I won't let my brain get in my own way. I remember a time when I would be easily distracted and would let my brain say...no, you can't do that. Today it really hit me. When I was in the last 3 minutes of my 45 minutes, I realized that I had been trucking on a 5.5 incline at a speed of 4.1. Someone would say that's not serious. It is for me. Six months ago doing a speed of 2.5 was major...so 4.1, I accept...and it's closer to me getting on this running game.
Well, I'm off to get ready for this day and concert. I have to run out and buy a white top to sing in. I don't know who thinks up all white clothes...I hate them. I think it is beautiful on others, but on me...no danke. Maybe when I've lost my 40lbs. I'll like them...whatev.
Remember.....Attitude is an inward thought that wiggles its way out! - Joyce Meyer
peace and blessings.....
Learning something new daily
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My after gym treat.... |
I did 55 minutes on the elliptical, sweated like a looney and then got my daily gym treat....a cup of coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. The smell of a black cup of coffee just makes my damn day. I used to drink it with lactaid, but I've gotten stingy. I don't want to give up my points on milk. Seriously. I never thought I would do that. I love a real good cup of cafe au lait...but au lait means points...so gimme the dark stuff.
Today I learned something about myself. If I track my exercise the day before...I do it. I feel like I'm lying if I don't do it. Plus the thought of deleting it makes me very...disappointed in myself. So...I go forth with my chubby self. Tomorrow's plan is just to do 45 minutes on the treadmill. I have a gig in the evening and I just don't want to be plastered and exhausted at 4 when the concert starts.
Another thing I learned...I realized today that I've traded my high heeled shoe obsession with tennis shoes. I looooooove them. Not only am I obsessed with tennis shoes...I want ORANGE tennis shoes. It's weird, but I'm flowing with it.
Alllright...time to hit the bed so I can hit that treadmill before 11AM service at church.
Peace and Blessings......
Friday, June 08, 2012
On a Friday...
I'm here watching season 2 of Mad Men (I just got into the show.) while I'm waiting on an email from my mother. *sigh*
Today...I learned something about myself. I don't greatly dislike sweating as much as I used to tell everyone. *shrug* I reversed my exercise schedule, treadmill this morning and some kickboxing this evening, and I sweated. I sweated like a whore in church sweated....and I felt so damn amazing. I mean AMAZING. Where is my normal self hidden???
Anyway, kickboxing was sooooooo good tonight. I haven't taken a class in...uhhh...i don't know...but it was amazing. I sweated, got my calories burned and stretched myself. I like. A lot. Who would have thunk it?
I tracked like normal. Ate well and made a choice between 4 Brussels cookies and a chocolate bar. The cookies won...less points. Who KNEW??
Anyway...I'm out..., but not without a quote... Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. the more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip. - Arnold H. Glasgow
peace and blessings.....
Back on the grind...
Hey...*waving* I can't remember when I last wrote...right now, i don't care. Just know...I'm back.
Last week after some mental back and forth, I decided that's it. Seriously. That's it. This weight has GOT to go. It would be helpful career wise and clothing wise...since I LOVE vintage fashion, but honestly, I want it gone for health reasons. The excess baggage gotta go. My major goal is to have 40 lbs. gone by March 2013.
So, last Thursday, I walked back into Weight.Watchers and dragged my mom with me. (She has weight to lose. The doctor told her to get on the grind as well.) Besides my mom, my 2 dear gay friends are the only ones who know...well, and whomever reads this blog.
How did my first week back go? Actually it went well. When you refocus and approach things with a different mindset, you don't see the negative. You see the final outcome. I know you're wondering how I did my first week... I lost 9.2lbs. Seriously. I was like gagging. LOL Did I share at the end of the meeting during celebrations? No.
Why didn't I share? I'm at the place now...see my product. I'm not talking about it much, just see my hard work. What did I do differently than any other time? I tracked. Every day. I tracked. I cooked and tracked. Tracked and I cooked. LOL I didn't cook that differently...just my portion sizes. I had tootsie rolls, cookies, cakes, fried chicken and all the rest of crap i like. No matter what, I tracked.
On top of tracking...I exercised. And starting this past Monday, I've been doing a 2 day grind. I'm calling them Round 1 and Round 2. Round 1...it is whatever I want to do...like elliptical, yoga, zumba, kickboxing, riding my bike on the green way, etc. That's my round 1. Round 2...well, that's my new thing...treadmill fluctuating incline, but my speed is increasing. I want to run. Bottom line...straight up. That's the plan with round 2.
Well this is a mouthful and I plan to keep blogging. Not going to say it will be daily, but it will be at least weekly. I'm gonna leave you with this message from my WW leader today.
Peace and Blessings.....
Last week after some mental back and forth, I decided that's it. Seriously. That's it. This weight has GOT to go. It would be helpful career wise and clothing wise...since I LOVE vintage fashion, but honestly, I want it gone for health reasons. The excess baggage gotta go. My major goal is to have 40 lbs. gone by March 2013.
So, last Thursday, I walked back into Weight.Watchers and dragged my mom with me. (She has weight to lose. The doctor told her to get on the grind as well.) Besides my mom, my 2 dear gay friends are the only ones who know...well, and whomever reads this blog.
How did my first week back go? Actually it went well. When you refocus and approach things with a different mindset, you don't see the negative. You see the final outcome. I know you're wondering how I did my first week... I lost 9.2lbs. Seriously. I was like gagging. LOL Did I share at the end of the meeting during celebrations? No.
Why didn't I share? I'm at the place now...see my product. I'm not talking about it much, just see my hard work. What did I do differently than any other time? I tracked. Every day. I tracked. I cooked and tracked. Tracked and I cooked. LOL I didn't cook that differently...just my portion sizes. I had tootsie rolls, cookies, cakes, fried chicken and all the rest of crap i like. No matter what, I tracked.
On top of tracking...I exercised. And starting this past Monday, I've been doing a 2 day grind. I'm calling them Round 1 and Round 2. Round 1...it is whatever I want to do...like elliptical, yoga, zumba, kickboxing, riding my bike on the green way, etc. That's my round 1. Round 2...well, that's my new thing...treadmill fluctuating incline, but my speed is increasing. I want to run. Bottom line...straight up. That's the plan with round 2.
Well this is a mouthful and I plan to keep blogging. Not going to say it will be daily, but it will be at least weekly. I'm gonna leave you with this message from my WW leader today.
Peace and Blessings.....
weight watchers
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Really a challenge....
In my last post I discussed that I was going to start the couch to 5K plan. I'm desperate to be a runner and another good friend who is a former chubby girl and is now a jock recommended the plan to me.
So, the game plan was to start the "training" yesterday. It didn't happen. *sigh* I woke up majorly pmsy. It was an awful start to an amazing LONG day. (I ended up working from 1-9 without a break. *double sigh*) This morning I woke up crampy and just over it all, but determined to get on this couch to 5K business.
Weeeelll...if you know the plan or don't know the plan here is a link for the treadmill. Well, I got through about 5 of the one minute runs...and my body was like, seriously...no more. LOL. Seriously. ROFL It was quite comical, to me. Even after the failed completed C to 5K run thingy...I ended up getting 50 minutes in on a 4.0 incline. It all worked out.
Oh well, I will say since the last time I've attempted this plan (yea this is a take 3)...I could do more 1 minute runs without feeling like death will become me. My knees didn't hurt. I wasn't intimidated about tackling the plan this time. YaY me!!!
After the gym, I met up with my personal Lumberjack (my nickname for "him".) for lunch and mentioned my Couch to 5K plan...plus my desire to run a 5K. He looks at me all serious and says..."Okay, I'm doing a 16K and in May we will run a 5K." Whaaaaaaaaaaa???? Hunh?????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??? *fainting*
Yea...so this Couch to 5K thing has become serious. #churchpray LOL
So, the game plan was to start the "training" yesterday. It didn't happen. *sigh* I woke up majorly pmsy. It was an awful start to an amazing LONG day. (I ended up working from 1-9 without a break. *double sigh*) This morning I woke up crampy and just over it all, but determined to get on this couch to 5K business.
Weeeelll...if you know the plan or don't know the plan here is a link for the treadmill. Well, I got through about 5 of the one minute runs...and my body was like, seriously...no more. LOL. Seriously. ROFL It was quite comical, to me. Even after the failed completed C to 5K run thingy...I ended up getting 50 minutes in on a 4.0 incline. It all worked out.
Oh well, I will say since the last time I've attempted this plan (yea this is a take 3)...I could do more 1 minute runs without feeling like death will become me. My knees didn't hurt. I wasn't intimidated about tackling the plan this time. YaY me!!!
After the gym, I met up with my personal Lumberjack (my nickname for "him".) for lunch and mentioned my Couch to 5K plan...plus my desire to run a 5K. He looks at me all serious and says..."Okay, I'm doing a 16K and in May we will run a 5K." Whaaaaaaaaaaa???? Hunh?????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??? *fainting*
Yea...so this Couch to 5K thing has become serious. #churchpray LOL
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Grinding, Grinding....
I'm back on my grind....again. I've been back on it for 2 weeks. I've done 6 days a week and grinding. LOL
So my new challenge....I want to do a Couch to 5K training thingy. LOL I go to the gym daily with a friend and he has a trainer who makes him do daily challenges. I mentioned the Couch to 5K and he's down. He can barely run a mile and he wants to impress his trainer with it.
I on the other hand am desperate to run. Plain and simple. I have a major gig in 9 weeks and it would be amazing if my gown was too big. I know makes no sense, but it is what it is. Since I have 9 weeks to learn and memorize a ton of music...I'll get my body up for a run. YaY me!
Monday...new grind, new challenge....continuing on Weight Watchers.
(BTW...I plan on updating regularly....seriously...)
So my new challenge....I want to do a Couch to 5K training thingy. LOL I go to the gym daily with a friend and he has a trainer who makes him do daily challenges. I mentioned the Couch to 5K and he's down. He can barely run a mile and he wants to impress his trainer with it.
I on the other hand am desperate to run. Plain and simple. I have a major gig in 9 weeks and it would be amazing if my gown was too big. I know makes no sense, but it is what it is. Since I have 9 weeks to learn and memorize a ton of music...I'll get my body up for a run. YaY me!
Monday...new grind, new challenge....continuing on Weight Watchers.
(BTW...I plan on updating regularly....seriously...)
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