Sunday, June 10, 2012

Whaaat is happening here???

I just back in from the gym.  YaY me!!  My plan was to go, run home and change...then head to church for 11 AM service.  Didn't happen....oh.well.  I got up and piddled.  If you know southerners piddlin' is not an uncommon word.  For those who don't know...I just started turning in circles.  I ate breakfast at 7:45 and the next thing I knew it was 9:30.  LOL


Antywho...I went in focused, turned on some gospel music and treadmilled.  Each day I go into the gym, I surprise myself.  I'm surprised 1. how focused I am and 2. how I won't let my brain get in my own way.  I remember a time when I would be easily distracted and would let my brain, you can't do that.  Today it really hit me.  When I was in the last 3 minutes of my 45 minutes, I realized that I had been trucking on a 5.5 incline at a speed of 4.1.  Someone would say that's not serious.  It is for me.  Six months ago doing a speed of 2.5 was 4.1, I accept...and it's closer to me getting on this running game.

Well, I'm off to get ready for this day and concert.  I have to run out and buy a white top to sing in.  I don't know who thinks up all white clothes...I hate them.  I think it is beautiful on others, but on danke.  Maybe when I've lost my 40lbs. I'll like them...whatev. 

Remember.....Attitude is an inward thought that wiggles its way out! - Joyce Meyer

peace and blessings.....

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