Monday, July 02, 2012

Solid....Solid as a Rock, Rock, Rock....

Haa!  That's the song that got me through Spinning today.  Baaaaaabahy...lemme tell you.  For 30 minutes of the 45 minute class I prayed and sang all of the 80's hits that were being played.  I pushed myself and my body was OVAH me.  No matter how annoyed I am in the heat of the class, when I get done...I feel so much stronger.  When I got home from the gym I pushed through the ChaLean Extreme Burn Circuit 3 and the Ab Burner.  Yea...that Ab Burner....makes me want to say awful un-Christian words.  Gaaaah....grrr....  I survived.  Nothing left to say.  LOL

Well here are the Friend Making Monday Questions from All The Weigh....

FMM: Quick Questions

1. What are your plans for Independence Day?  Right now the plan is for some gymming...most likely the Couch to 5K thingy and some ChaLean Extreme Circuit...then going to be a spoiled only child and hang out in my mom's bed.
2. What is the last thing interesting thing you drank? Uhhhrah...water?  LOL  I don't drink interesting things that much.  The opera singer thingy...ya know.  When I do drink something interesting it is usually Jack and Coke.
3. Share on of your favorite quotes. “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever” - Mahatma Gandhi
4. Name someone or something that makes you smile.  My friend J.  Haa such a silly boy. He keeps me laughing even when I want to clock the crap out of someone.
5. What will you/did you eat for lunch today? I had a black bean burger on Mediterranean flat bread with peach salsa, romaine and red onions....AND an extra large coffee from Dunkin Donuts.  Happiness!!!
6. What’s the last movie that you watched and enjoyed?  I haven't watched a movie in a while.  I'm looking forward to Magic Mike and the new Madea Movie this week.  Normally I'm catching up on TV shows on Net.flix.
7. Share something sweet and unexpected that someone did for you recently. The friend J has a tendency to fix my issues.  You know how men are, they fix.  LOL  I had an issue with someone and I know because of him I received a text this morning.  The best headshots....hopefully with about 10 more pounds gone.  He's such a sweetie.
8. If you could spend ten days on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Normally I would say the this moment, I would love to head to Chicago and see my family.  That's where both sides live.  I miss my family and hanging with them...that's always a great vacation.
9. What are you currently reading? Nothing.  I should be reading the Italian librettos of the operas Norma and L'Italiana in Algeri...ain't feeling it today.  LOL  I'll be back on my grind tomorrow.
10. Share at least one thing that you’re looking forward to this week.  I'm looking forward to hanging with my mom tomorrow.  We're going to see The Best Man on B'dway.  Oooh...I just LOVE my hometown!!!

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